Chapter 21 - The Mission Part 2

Start from the beginning

At that everyone went silent as there focused shifted from finding a weapon to getting out and saving our friends.

In record time we were out of the base which Tony effectively blew up and we were back in the quinjet flying back to New York.

A thick cloud of urgency and fear. No one knew what shape we were going to find the Avenger's we left behind. The entire flight I worried that Madison was gone, and for real this time.

As we approached the tower we could tell a fight had taken place. Several windows had been blown out and as we rushed to find our friends and family a sense of dread developed.

The elevators were out of commission so we had to take the stairs. JARVIS in the building had been dismantled by HYDRA but Tony's suit said their were life forms in the living room.

The only problem is as we got closer to the living room we had to step over dead HYDRA agents and pieces of debris.

When we reached the living room it was as if a tornado had blown through. All of the furniture was upturned and broken, HYDRA agents lay everywhere.

But the most concerning thing was that Madison was unconscious leaning against a wall with blood dripping down her temple while Bruce tended to her.

Peter was cradling a broken arm and had bruises and cuts everywhere, but he was mostly fine. Bruce was wearing clothes that were too small for him and I realized he was wearing Tony's clothes which also means he Hulked out.

Steve and I immediately rushed towards Madison while Tony went to check on Peter. "Bruce what the hell happened?" I demanded.

"I will explain in a minute, but first I need someone to take Madison to her room. She is just unconscious and has a concussion but she will be fine," Bruce said as he stood up.

"I'll take her," Steve offered before I could as he promptly took Madison in his arms and walked out of the room.

While Steve was gone with Madison. Bruce and Tony reset Peter's arm and put it in a sling. Once Steve returned we waited for Bruce to explain.

"Ok, so I was in the lab when Jarvis informed me someone was tampering with his controls and hostiles were in the building. Once that happened the power went out but luckily the emergency lights came on as I sprinted towards the living room. By the time I arrived about 50 HYDRA agents were in the room fighting Peter and Madison. Madison can still barely walk so they managed to knock her out. She moment she was unconscious the Hulk lost control and I lost it. As for what happened before that you'll have to ask Peter."

Everyone immediately turned towards Peter who was sitting on the ground. "Oh um... I was helping Madison walk when my Spider Senses went off. A second later Jarvis informed of the same thing as Bruce but a moment later HYDRA agents burst into the room. Madison actually put up quite the fight and killed several of them but she was quickly quickened and was knocked unconscious when one of them slammed her head into the counter before throwing her against the wall. I got distracted when that happened and an agent broke my arm. After that the Hulk arrived and made quick work of all the hostiles."

I couldn't help but grimace at the thought of Madison getting her head smashed into a counter top before being tossed like a rag doll against the wall.

"How did this even happen? The tower is supposed to be heavily protected and how did the infiltrate via the Shield levels and no one stopped them?" Steve's questions sent a chill through the group. There is a mole in HYDRA.

Suddenly a voice we all knew spoke making us all jump and turn around. "There is indeed a mole in S.H.I.E.L.D. and I need your help finding it."

Everyone jumped at Fury seemingly appearing in the tower out of nowhere. "I swear this man just pops up like a magician," I heard Tony mumble under his breath.

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