Side Chapter - How did Janemba get here?

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'Hahahahhaa You think that can stop me from killing you! How about I play with you.'

I swung the sword up and sliced a blueish-grey candy in my dimension. 


The sliced-up candy broke off from the candy and revealed the guy injured in his right shoulder. 

'Here's Janemba!'

I appeared behind the candy and began swinging the sword in multiple directions. Eventually, after many swings, I hit him enough times to see him land in the red liquid.

'HEeheheaahahaha... Look at you.'

I swung my sword at the liquid and chipped off the parts that he isn't in. Chop after chop I removed the liquid until I could see him, weak and defenseless. 

'And you die!!!' 

I swunged for the final time but someone ruined the fun and saved the guy.

'Who did that?! I'll make sure to kill you along with that stupid guy!!!' 

I was angry. I lost my chance at killing that guy but at the moment I came to the conclusion that if more want to join, let them. I'll make sure to kill them too.

"How many times do I have to tell you that if anyone is going to erase your existence it's going to be me." Said the person -who stopped my final blow- to the guy.

"Vegeta? But how?" Asked the guy.

"I've been trying to answer that question myself, Kakarot. I don't know how I got my body back. It was as if death was a dream and I just woke up." Answered the person, who's name is Vegeta.

"It must have something to do with the check-out station." Answered the one who I was going  to kill, Kakarot.

"It doesn't matter. Now stay there, and wait till I handle this." Vegeta replied.

"But he's strong. My Super Saiyan 3 wasn't enough to handle him. I don't think you can beat either." Kakarot said.

The person, Vegeta smirked and responded back. "Hmph. Don't worry. I have 1 thing in my favor: I have nothing to lose."

"Hey, wait! What are you talking about?" Kakarot said, standing up and trying to get a reply from Vegeta.

"It's simple Kakarot. You're good and I'm not. Frankly, the afterlife sucks. So fighting him would be a piece of cake." Vegeta remarked.

"..." Kakarot became quiet.

'Hahaaa. I'd like to see him try.'

My thoughts were interrupted as the sword I wielded reverted back to the bottle and crumbled to dust.

"Heeenheeeheheee- HAHAHAHAHAAAAAA" I laughed.

"RRRRRAAAAGGGHHHHHH!" Vegeta launched himself at me and tried kicking me but I dodged forward and did a backwards kick. Vegeta grabbed my legged and moved it to the side, launching a ki blast at me but fortunately I de-materialized myself and materialized myself in front of Vegeta.

Vegeta moved out of the way ready to punch me but I materialized myself somewhere else. Unfortunately for me, Vegeta threw a ki blast at me, mid-materialized. 

'You bug!' 

I extended my arm and grabbed his neck, dragging him across the ground then sending him off to the spikey balls. 

"Vegeta!" Kakarot yelled, teleporting to his location. Yet, I didn't know where the location would be. 

'Damn it. Where did I send that widow's peak bastard to?' 

That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Saiyan [Discontinued]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum