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Rahul didn't want to feel this way. He was jealous, and he knew it, but he wasn't ready to accept it. But why did that new guy- Hardik- always have to cling to Virat? KL wasn't sure he liked him a lot, with all his boastfulness and evil intentions to take Virat away from him.

KL was sitting at the breakfast table alone, having some coffee and a pancake. Virat came and sat next to him, saying, "There are 227 calories in that pancake."

"I know. It's awesome", KL said cheekily.

"I'm sure it is", Virat said smoothly. His phone started ringing. He took it out of his pocket and saw  the caller's ID.

Virat looked up, and noticed KL trying to glance at his phone screen. He chuckled, and turning it towards him, said teasingly, "Ask me who's calling, and I'll tell you. You don't have to peep. It's Hardik."

"Of course it is", KL said bitterly.

"What do you mean by that?" Virat was genuinely confused.

"Nothing, nothing. I'm sorry I peeped. You should answer that call."

"Right", Virat said and excused himself to pick the call up.

He came back a few minutes later and said, "I'll go now, Rahuliya. Will catch up with you later."

"Fine", was KL's curt reply. Virat could tell something was up- heck, KL didn't even protest at the nickname- but he let it go for the time being.

KL saw Virat laughing loudly and patting Hardik's back at the practice session. Hardik had probably said something funny. What if Virat started thinking he was boring, and spent time only with Hardik?

He padded up and went into the nets. KL heard Virat say, "Good shot, good shot, Harry", before he walking up to him.

He would bat better than that Hardik, KL decided in his head. He thought about that as he faced the balls. 

He batted decently, but not up to his standards. It was weird- KL never, ever let his personal life affect his game. Virat, who was observing him from some distance, frowned.

When KL took a five-minute break, Virat walked up to him, and said, "You're awfully fidgety today."

"I am?", KL's face fell. He knew he wasn't batting great, but he was hoping Virat wouldn't notice.

Virat saw the change in his expressions. "Clear your head, don't think too much", he told him, not unkindly.

"Yeah. Yeah, okay."

His batting didn't get better. He tried, he really did, but he couldn't help feeling as if he had disappointed Virat. He knew he was overthinking, he knew was being stupid. But he didn't know how to stop.

Virat, on the other hand, was getting annoyed. He told the net bowler to stop bowling, and went near KL.

"Is there a problem?", he asked KL, getting straight to the point.

"I don't think so", KL cautiously replied.

"Are you sure you don't need a break? You can take some time off if you want."

"No, I'm fine, Virat", KL snapped.

"Yeah? Then act like it. Focus on the damn ball, Rahul. Nothing else", Virat said harshly and walked away.

Rahul took a deep breath, nodded, and tried to concentrate on the ball. He watched as the ball hit his helmet and he lost consciousness.

He woke up in his hotel room. As soon as he stirred, Virat came near him and asked, "How are you feeling?"

"Fine, I guess", KL replied.

"Good. The physio said you need to rest, and you'll be fine. He'll check in on you, okay?"


"Take care of yourself", Virat said, and got up to leave.

"Virat, wait", KL called out urgently.


"I'm sorry. I was being irrational. And disrespectful", he looked down.

"You were. But it's fine. I've already forgiven you. There was something in your mind that you just couldn't push away, and that didn't let you focus. That's not like you, Rahul", Virat said.

"I know. It's just seeing you with him-", KL shut his mouth. He'd said too much. Oh, god, where did all his filters go when Virat was in front of him? 

"Seeing me with whom?", Virat raised an eyebrow.

"No, nothing. Ignore what I said."

"I won't, you know that. If I didn't know better, I'd think you're jealous of Hardik", Virat said mildly.

KL sputtered out the water he was trying to drink. After his coughing fit was over, Virat looked at him for what seemed like forever. KL squirmed under his glance.

"You are jealous of Hardik", Virat realized. 

"I'm not jealous of him. I-I just don't like him clinging to you all the time", KL mumbled.

"I can't believe this", Virat said incredulously. KL just scowled.

"Alright, listen to me, Rahuliya. I love you, and nothing can change that. Ever. You have, like, a special place in my life that no one else can take. I like you for who you are, and I'll always continue doing that. I can't believe you didn't know that", Virat said.

KL's expressions softened.

"I knew that. You mean a damn lot to me, too. There aren't many people who accept me with the good, the bad and the ugly. And I don't even know what I'd do without you. I just needed to be reminded, I guess", KL said softly.

"We're brothers forever. It's part of the pact", Virat said matter-of-factly, "And I'll remind you of that as many times as you need."

Rahul pulled Virat in for a tight hug. And he didn't intend to let go any time soon.

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