Building Together

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Virat sighed. There was no way he could manage this on his own. He needed back-up. So, he decided to call Rahul up.

"Hey, Rahuliya", Virat said cheerily when he answered the call.

"Don't call me that", he grumbled, "And hi."

"Are you doing something important right now?"

KL Rahul looked at the cleaning rag in his hand. He was in the middle of cleaning his trophy rack, because of course he never let anyone else even touch it.

"Not really", he half-lied.

"Oh, good. I need a favour", Virat said.

"Anything. Just name it", KL said promptly.

"Could you come over to my place? And pick up some super-strength glue on the way?"

"Sure. Be there in fifteen."

"Thanks, you're a life saver", Virat said, relieved, and KL chuckled. What was his older bro up to this time?

About half an hour later, KL knocked at Virat's door. He opened the door and invited KL in.

KL said excitedly, "Choosing the perfect doll house for Vami took longer than I expected it to. Where's she? I want to give it to her."

"I thought you'd come to help me", Virat chuckled, "Vami's in her crib, I'll get her here. You'll spoil her if you get a gift each time you come to visit."

"You don't get to speak between my niece and me", KL declared cheekily.

Virat rolled his eyes fondly. He brought her out, and KL eagerly took her in his own arms.

"How're you?", he cooed. Virat smiled at how comfortable both Vami and KL had grown with each other.

He still remembered KL staring at Vamika when she was a few months old, wondering how to introduce himself to the little girl. And then he shook her hand and said, "Hi, I'm your chachu." Virat chuckled to himself as he remembered that.

"So, why'd you call me here?", KL asked, "Not that you can't ask me to come over for no reason. You seemed to have something in mind."

"I know what you meant", Virat laughed, "So. I was trying to build a swing set for Vami. Got one of those wooden diy boxes. I could've had a professional put it together, but I wanted to do it myself."

"Let me guess. Things didn't go according to plan?"

"Do they ever? I followed the instructions in the pamphlet- most of them, anyway- and it still collapsed. I'm lucky to be alive right now", Virat told him.

" So, you want me to build the playset?", KL asked apprehensively.

"Of course not", Virat rolled his eyes, "I want you to help me do that. Plus, Vami was sleeping when I started. Now that she's awake, I don't think I can handle this little buttercup and  Mission Impossible together."

"Oh, right. Of course I'll help", KL looked at Vami and smiled.

"Okay, we'll put her in her stroller, away from the danger zone, and then get to work", Virat said enthusiastically.

KL nodded in agreement. Once Vami was settled, they took out the instruction booklet and started searching for the right parts.  

"What do you need the glue for?", KL asked as they assembled the pieces together.

"Oh, I thought we could paste the parts together instead of using a hammer and nails", Virat said casually.

"My god. Tell me you're joking. We absolutely cannot do that", KL said, exasperated.

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