"I can't choose between Avyanna and Layla" Ev replied excitedly.

"Take your time baby, I like them," I say kissing him on the mouth softly, so happy.

"Eww stop, you wanna make me blind again," mum said, yeah that time she saw us in our bedroom, I freaked out thinking that she had seen Ev not being a woman but thank God she didn't. She was quick to close her eyes getting out and she never spoke of it again just smiling at us, she just knows that we can't keep our hands from each other.

So to her, we're so in love, which was true coz I love my baby to no end.

"Eva, do you want my granddaughter to be a fag huh," she asked seriously making me flinch but Ev didn't, it's like he expected it. "Those names don't give justice to her. Name her those names and she will be one of those girls who walk like boys and cut their hair. Loreen is a good girly name, I don't want my grandchild to turn out like those disgusting pieces of sin" She rolled her eyes.

"Norah I..."

"No Eva, that's why I'm here to tell you the truth. Kids nowadays make mistakes but I'm glad I'm here to help you out" she patted his back "so Loreen Kenzie Easton it is" she declared with finality.

"Can we stop here for the day, I'm really tired. We will continue next time" Everett looked at me with unshade tears breaking my heart.

"Ok, let me go pay" she smiled but I wasn't in the mood. I helped Ev back to the car getting in and waiting for mum to finish up.

"Ev I'm sorry," I say tapping my hands on the wheel.

"I don't want to hear it...just keep quiet please," he snapped at me making me sigh looking at him in the rearview mirror and biting my lips nervously. I was about to say something else when I saw mom coming out of the shop. A worker assisted her with the bags which were many. Did we purchase all that? I didn't know. They put the bags in the boot as mum sat in the passager seat smiling wildly at us.

The whole drive back at home Ev was quiet, just humming and shaking his head when mum asked him something other than that, he didn't say anything just looking out of the window. My heart was racing seeing him push the tears back now and then. Reaching he got out of the car quickly saying he needs a bath and a nap, he was tired and sweaty.

I got all the bags from the car putting them in the baby's room and mum was busy organizing them as if the baby was hers. I let her do her thing until she was done without Everett coming out of our room. I was anxious wanting to go see how he was but I can't live mum here all alone.

She will be pissed, if I do so I waited for a few more minutes.

Mum said her goodbye after finishing organizing everything and that's when I breathed again. I ran to our room as quickly as possible wanting to apologize to Ev. He wasn't in the room when I got there and I knew he was still taking a bath. I stripped to my boxers and walked inside finding him, in the bathtub leaning his head against it, hands on the edge, looking into space with tears streaming down his face. Sniffing.

"Baby," I say crouching where his head was and holding his hand "I'm sorry baby, don't worry I won't let her name her. You're going to name her I promise" I say, Everett sits up looking at me with tears streaming down.

"Really" his voice came out so deep since he had been crying sitting upright.

"I promise, we will name her Avyanna or Renata or Layla. Whatever you want" I smiled at him kissing his hand lovingly.

"I didn't see you say a thing when she declared that my names are for fags" he pulls his hand out of my mine.

"I will talk with h..."

"You know what Jared, spare me the speech when we both know you won't do anything" he breathed in biting his lips, lips twitching in anger "I was so stupid, I should have not married you since the beginning, I should have not done all this coz no matter what it will not be enough for you, nothing I do will ever make you see that I love you" my eyes were wide

"Baby don't say that, I know you love me and it's... You're enough"

"This is my baby Jared, I'm the one carrying her in my belly. I'm the one who got sick weeks and weeks, throwing up each time. I'm the one who risked my life so that she can be here. I'm the one who is going to be in that room giving birth to her but I'm not even allowed to shop for her, I'm not allowed to buy her a crib. That is so fine with me coz I can always buy her other stuff when she's here but a name. That's the one thing i wanted to do with you. That should have been our time, going to shop should have been ours, the two of us, deciding on what we want.

But I let it be coz she's her grandmother and I thought maybe, maybe I will name her but to my surprise I don't fucken have that right either" he snapped breathing hard.

"Everett I-we" I stuttered not knowing what to say.

"You know what" he stood up from the tub pulling on the towel and slinging it around his waist getting out, water dripping off his body. I also stood up quickly. "I have been thinking a lot lately and I can't do this anymore. I'm done" he says getting out of the bathroom.

"What does that mean Ev" I asked following him out of the bathroom, my heart racing in my chest.

"It means..." he turned around looking me in the eye with too many emotions and one stood out the most and that was pain "I want a divorce"


Oh God,

Everett wants a divorce, he is tired.

What will happen next, next chapter will be up on weekend?

Hope you enjoyed the chapter.

Thank you all for the support. I appreciate it so much.

The pretendDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora