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Jeno POV


August 13th.

Concert day.

And Jaemin's birthday.

Everyone is getting ready, the members as well as the staff.

They seem relaxed, while me I'm panicking. I'm really afraid. What if nothing goes as planned?

The boys are still not aware for Jaemin and me, or else they know and fake not knowing.

I'm afraid of the fans' reaction... and also the reactions of my managers, the agency, our parents...

What if no one support us? What if even the members don't accept us?

?: Jeno?

I jump a little, before turning to the one who called my name.

- Oh Injun...

I smile. I didn't expect him to come see me.

Since what happened 2 months ago, we weren't really talking to each other anymore... I couldn't even say we're still friends...

He sits beside me and sighs before talking.

Rj: I... I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done what I did... I still really angry at myself about it. If I was avoiding you it's because I was ashamed. I didn't want to come back and talk to you as if nothing happened. I'm really sorry Jeno, I didn't want you to fight with him... I'm ready to do anything for you to forgive me...

- I... I don't know what to tell you... I'm not angry at you... I've never been. I thought you were the one who was angry at me. And I forgave you already...

Rj: Thank you so much...

- It's nothing... Oh um... Do you still-

Rj: You wanna know if I still love you?

- um yes

Rj: No. actually, I'm dating someone... it's been a month..

- oh okay, congrats I guess?

Rj: thanks

- so... best friends?

He smiles and nods.

Rj: anyway, tell me you seem stressed

- oh yes... We planned to reveal our relation... Oh and by the way, I.. I would like you to help me with something...

Rj: I'm here for it!

Author POV

The room is filling little by little, while the boys are warming up.

All but Renjun and Jeno.

The two boys are nowhere to be seen, which is worrying a lot the group and their managers.

Jm: Jeno is still not answering...

Mk: The same for Renjun

Dohyun: God damn it where the hell are they?! They were here 5 minutes ago; they can't disappear like that!!

Jibeom: Okay let's wait 10 more minutes and if they're not back, I'll go look for them.

Ji: How many time do we have left before it starts?

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