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Author POV

Jeno, Chenle and Jisung, as well as their manager are in front of the police, all worried about what's going to happen. Jeno is the most stressed, being the one who caused everything.

The policemen didn't lose any time and asked them questions about their manager, and ended up arresting him, judging his behavior inappropriate.

The group will have a new manager starting from today. However their only worry for now is to know if Jaemin is okay.

Speaking of Jaemin.

On Renjun's side, things are still blurry. He still has no news from his friend, however he's been here for an hour already. The young man is going back and forth in the waiting room, trying to stay calm.

It's an hour and half after that a doctor finally called Renjun, leading him to Jaemin's room.

After a few explanations, the young man enters in it and run towards the bed.

- Jaem!!

Jm: Hi Injunie!!

He's smiling.

"How can he still be so joyful after what happened?"

Renjun didn't know how to feel about it. The boy just fainted and ended up in a hospital room and yet he was smiling and was happy. As much as usual. He was glowing, he was just stunning. Even if Renjun is denying it, he admires Jaemin a lot since they've known each other.

- Yah Na Jaemin I- um we were worried!

Jm: I'm sorry...

The young man doesn't lose any more time and hugs him. He may hide it, but he's really attached to Jaemin.

It's at that moment that the door opened, revealing the rest of the group. Renjun's eyes met Jeno's, who was giving him a cold look. He immediately let go of Jaemin and stepped back.

Jeno got closer to Jaemin, pushing Renjun on the way.

Renjun definitely didn't understand. Why was he acting like that towards him?


The boys are reunited in the training room, waiting for their new manager.

They all forgot what happened this morning, except for Renjun and Jeno. Renjun was trying to talk to him but every time he was near him, Jeno was automatically walking away. And if he tries to get near Jaemin, Jeno would find excuses to make him stay away.

He ended up giving in and sat alone in a corner of the room.

However, the others noticed something was off with those three, but none spoke out, not wanting to hurt their feelings or say something they shouldn't.

A couple of minutes go by, the boys are having fun and Renjun is watching them. Jeno and Jaemin. They seem so close to each other. So much more than just best friends...

"Are they... no Renjun they would have told you..."

Yet, even if he's trying to convince himself otherwise, he can't chase that thought from his mind. What if it really was the case? What if they were more than friends?

Imagining this, the young boy can't help but to feel his heart ache.

No more doubts, he loves him.

He ends up looking away, not bearing looking at the two boys anymore.


Minutes later, which seemed to be an eternity to Renjun, a man finally enters the room. He seems to be in his twenties. The group guessed it's their manager. However, he's not foreign to Jeno.

The man takes off his mask and his sunglasses, revealing his face. Seeing him, Jeno let out a surprise scream.

Jn: Jibeom?!

The young man smiles at him.

"Hi Jeno!"

Mk: Oh you guys know each other?

Jn: Um kind off?

Jb: What do you mean kind off?! I'm surprised you never told them about me!

Jn: I uh...

Not knowing what to answer, the boy drags him out of the room, determined to have some explanations, leaving the group completely dumbfounded.

Jn: What in the Kwangya are you doing here?!

Jb: Well I'm working?

Jn: Since when do you even work here?

Jb: Since my favorite boy needs a new manager

Jn: Wait... really?!

Jb: Yeeees

Jeno smiles to him before hugging him.

However, what he doesn't know is that not far from them he's looking at him, tears in his eyes. Again. Seeing him in someone else's arms was hurting him. He loves him. So much. But he never said anything, and the boy never seemed to notice. He was hurt but was hiding it.

"Again someone he could be dating"

It was maybe delusional to think that, but he couldn't help it. Every time he was close to someone, he thought that maybe he could date that person.

The only thing he was sure of, it's that Jeno didn't like him.


And another chapter!

And more questions to be asked haha

So who is Jibeom to Jeno?

And who was spying them?

I hope you enjoyed this chapter ^^

I'll see you next week <3

~Maya ~

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