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Jeno POV

It's currently 11pm and we just got back to the dorm. We're trying to sneak in our room as quietly as possible, but we're stopped on the way.

Rj: May I know where the hell you were for 3 hours?!

Aish, him again...

Jm: We were training

Rj: And why did you lie to me saying you were going to the store?!

Jm: I didn't want you to worry for me

Rj: Well you failed, I worried even more Jaemin!!

Jaemin doesn't answer and look at the floor.

- Okay so now if you can let us enter in our room

Rj: No first I have to take Jaemin's blood pressure

- I can do it

Rj: No Taeyong hyung asked me to do it, so I will be the one who'll do it

I don't answer and try to go to my room, but Renjun hold me back.

Rj: The manager is waiting for us downstairs

I sigh before going downstairs, followed by the boys. Chenle and Jisung are there too. Once everyone is here, the manager starts to scold us, saying that today's performance was a complete mess because of Jaemin, and we got scolded for not respecting the curfew. He's yelling at us, as every day since 3 months now.

Man: I want everyone ready at 6 am tomorrow morning! Even Jaemin, sick or not, I don't care

I hate him more and more every day.

Man: See you tomorrow.

He gets up and get out of the dorm. Chenle and Jisung are going to their room, while Jaemin stays sit staring at the void.

Renjun POV

I go get the things to measure Jaemin's blood pressure and go back in the living room, where I see Jeno and Jaemin sticking to each other. Seeing them like that makes my heart ache a little...

- Jeno can you just move aside please

I see him frown before letting Jaemin go. Why do I feel like he hates me...? Yet I've never done anything to him, I don't understand why he's been acting up like this to me...

I take Jaemin's blood pressure and stand up

- Everything is fine. I'm going to sleep, good night..

Jm: *smiles* good night!

Jeno doesn't answer and only waves at me...

Why is he acting like that all of a sudden...

I go in my room and lay on the bed, staring at the ceiling.

Think Renjun, there has to be something for him to do that.

But for the life of me, I can't think of anything.

Aishhh... he's annoying me!

Don't think of him anymore Renjun, he's not worth it...

And what was that weird feeling before....? Why seeing them that close to each other is making my heart ache?

Why does it hurt so much seeing him get away from me...

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