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Author POV

It's been a few hours now that Renjun is in this room, wondering what to do.

On their side, the boys are trying desperately to join him, but no one managed to. Except Jeno.

The young man is the only one who got an answer from Renjun, asking him to meet him in the room, and also that no one else should know about it.

Despite the fact they were fighting a lot those past few days, Jeno is determined to know what his friend is hiding.

He put his jacket on as well as his shoes before going to the door, trying to get out of the dorm without no one noticing. However it's without counting on Jaemin, who's literally following him everywhere since they got home.

Jm: Jenooo where are you going?

- Uh I'm going for a walk

Jm: Can I come with youuu?

- No uh.. I would like to be alone... please

Jm: Okay but be back quickly

- I promise

Jeno POV

I run towards the agency and go in the room. I enter without knocking and walk towards Renjun.

Yes, I lied to Jaemin and I'm really ashamed of it, but I had no choice.

I sit besides him and stay silent. Renjun is staring at me, he doesn't seem like he wants to talk either. I decide to talk first to end this quickly.

- So... what's happening?

Rj: I should be the one asking that. Why are you avoiding me? Why can't I come near Jaemin, uh? Tell me if you hate me...

- I don't hate you Renjun! I'm sorry if I gave you this feeling, I'm sorry I avoided you, I was just... lost? I can't really tell you why, but I swear I didn't want to hurt you...

Rj: Yet you did. It's been 2 years Jeno. 2 years you've been away from me. We were best friends... so why? Why did you leave me? Why did you move to another room? ... Why didn't you tell me Jeno?!

- I'm sorry... I can't tell you why-

Rj: And why not?! You don't trust me?! I know you hate me, I understood it a long time ago.

- I told you I don't hate you!

Rj: Then why?!!!

- I- I promised Jaemin I wouldn't tell anything

Rj: Jaemin... I should have known, it's always because of him. It's because of him you've been away, it's because of him you left, because of him you don't love me. If he hadn't been there, everything would have been different...

- I-

Rj: I know Jeno.

- What?

Rj: For you two. I know you're dating. I know and yet I still decided to do it...

- Do what? And how do you even know?

Rj: I saw you before Jeno... First with the manager then Jaemin... At first I thought you were dating the manager... and then I saw you with Jaemin...

I stay silent and stare at the void, not knowing how to answer. Renjun sighs before speaking again.

Rj: I... I wanted to tell you something important today. I finally had the guts to tell you. And Jaemin broke everything down.

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