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Doc: Okay. Jaemin has blood pressure problems


Jeno POV:


- What?

Doc: You'll have to take his blood pressure at least twice a day to make sure it's not too high nor too low. If there is any problem, go to the hospital.

TY: Alright, Renjun can I trust you with it?

Rj: Yes I'm taking care of it!

Pfff... Why always him...

- Hyung I can do it too, it will be easier since we are roommates!

TY: Do as you wish, it just needs to be done seriously, and Renjun is the one I trust the most here

Rj: I will do it Jeno, don't worry!

- ... Fine

Doc: Well it's all for me! Goodbye!

The doctor leaves, and everybody is leaving one by one as well, while I stay here, still shocked by the news.

Jm: Jeno? We're leaving..

- I'm coming

I take my bag and follow them to the dorm.

Once there, we go to our room.

- I'm going to shower!

Jm: okayy

I enter the bathroom and start my routine.

Jaemin POV

I am lying on my bed scrolling through my social media while waiting for Jeno to get out of the bathroom.

However, the more I scroll, the more I see hate comments towards me.

Everybody is saying I sucked today...

I'm reading each comment..

There is so many of them...

They are all disappointed in me... Even Yuta hyung...

Am I that bad?

I throw my phone on my bed without leaving the page nor switching it off and rush downstairs.

Rj: Jaem where are you going, it's late already

- um I'm just going to the convenient store, we ran out of cereals

Rj: okay but come back quickly and be careful

- don't worry!

I rush out of the house, running to the dance studio. Once there, I enter in one of the room and place myself in front of the mirror.

Wow... I really look like shit...

I play the music and start to dance but end up stopping, I forgot the choreo. I did it again, a lot of times, but it's the same thing every time. I always forget the same step.

Maybe they're right.... I really suck.

Maybe I don't deserve to be in this group...

I go in a corner of the room after switching the lights off and sit down, letting my tears flow.

Secret Love [Nomin]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora