We were so close at first.... But for 2 years he's been away from me... All because of his "best friend"... Yet I like him too, we are close too, I mean we were, but I feel like he's taking him away from me and takes the opportunity to get closer to me...

We were always laughing; we were always going out together.

I was his best friend.

And now.

I'm just a friend? Or like what? Maybe just a coworker?

Me... I don't really know how I feel...

What if it was more than friendship...

The roles have been reversed.


I turn my alarm off and look at the hour displayed on my phone: 5:40 am

I didn't sleep of the night; I was too concerned about what happened last night.

I should go wake the others; I don't want them to be yelled at by the manager. I get up, taking the thing to measure Jaemin's blood pressure with me.

I start by waking up the two youngest, knowing them they'll be the one who'll take the longest to get ready.

Once they're up, I walk to Jeno and Jaemin's room and open the door.

And what I see is making my heart ache like it never did.

They're sleeping in each other's arm...

He's holding him against him as he did with me 2 years ago...

I stay here a couple minutes staring at him... he didn't change... he's still so handsome...

I chase my thoughts away and go towards them.

- Jaemin, Jeno, it's time to wake up!

They both open their eyes and look at me. Jaemin looks so pale...

Jm: Good morning Injunie ~

- Good morning my Nana ~

Jeno frowns before going to the bathroom to get ready. So he hates me that much?

- Jaem come here, I have to measure your blood pressure!

I sit next to him, take his arm, and measure his blood pressure. It seems slightly higher than usual.

- You slept?

Jm: Maybe an hour or so?

- Aish I already told you to sleep more Jaem!

Jm: I know, sorry..

I get closer to him and put my hand on his forehead to check his temperature. At the same moment, Jeno gets out of the bathroom then from the bedroom after looking at us. I choose to ignore him and focus on Jaemin.

- You seem to have fever...?

Jm: Yet I feel good

I hesitate a little before getting up.

- Get ready, we're waiting for you

Jm: Yes!

He gets up and starts to get ready while I go downstairs to eat. And of course I had to be alone in the kitchen with Jeno.

He seems to avoid me now... every time I am in the same room as me, he either get out or go at the complete opposite side of the room. I don't get him, why is he doing this to me?!

~ 20 minutes later ~

We're in the living room with the manager who just arrived. We're still waiting for Jaemin, I'm starting to worry...

The manager is losing patience.

- Um I can go to see what he's doing?

Jn: No I'm going

And he's running to their room.

I sigh and sit back down waiting for them to come back.

The manager is about to complain again, however a scream stops him.

Jn: JAEMIN!!!!

I run automatically upstairs to see what's happening. I find Jeno crying, with Jaemin almost unconscious in his arms.

- Jaemin?!! Omo Jaemin can you hear me?!

I try to get near him but get stopped by Jeno.

Ji: Hyung? What is happening, is he okay??

Jn: Call an ambulance!

Man: He doesn't need to go to the hospital, I know he's just faking it!

 And that sentence made everything degenerate.

I take Jaemin in my arms, while Jeno gets up and slap him.


Jeno and the manager are now fighting, while Chenle is calling for an ambulance. Jisung is paralyzed by fear.

Once the ambulance called, Chenle goes downstairs, taking Jisung with him. I stay there with Jaemin in my arms, unconscious.

I try as hard as I can to stop Jeno and the manager, but they totally ignore me.

I should do something before it gets worst...

But I can't leave Jaemin alone...

Aishhh what am I supposed to do now?!


The cops...?

Ch: I thought it would be useful


Some minutes after, the ambulance is barging in the room, followed by two policemen.

The policemen take Jeno and the manager separately while the ambulance takes Jaemin. However I refuse to let them go with him alone.

- Um can I accompany him?

A: Yes, of course

I leave with them, after looking back one last time.


Problems are starting to come little by little haha

So who do you think Renjun loves between Jeno and Jaemin?

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

I'll see you next week <3

~ Maya ~

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