Moments Of Freedom | 7

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"Thank you for that," you nodded, a sad look falling on you. "It's just, it itches--my mind. I feel like I need to do this, need to finally break this curse upon my memory."

"You can still do it, just after the threat is neutralised," Diluc shrugged. "Be safe, then go."

You sighed gently, turning to Aether, "you called Childe a Fatui Harbinger?"

He nodded, "yes, the Eleventh. I fought him Y/N, he is strong and he keeps getting stronger."

Harbinger seemed to touch a nerve in the back of your mind, the same way when you thought of amber-coloured eyes did. It was hitting a locked door to one of your memories, meaning there must be something important to do with Harbingers hidden from you.

"Can I ask: what is he like?"

Aether seemed momentarily shocked at the question, but answered you anyway, "well, he's a man that gets what he wants. From when we fought, he was strong and determined, he loved the battle, and he seemed to crave the fight between us. I think the urge to cross blades almost guides him." Aether paused, looking at you seriously, "his scary side is his Foul Legacy form...he practically turns into a monster."

How does this man fit into my past? You pondered in your mind as Aether continued.

"But, I believe he has a softer side." As he spoke those words, Diluc grunted in surprise and you narrowed your eyes thinking Aether could be joking. "I met his younger brother. Childe cares deeply for his family, he protects them and even lies about who he is to the kid. He claimed he made toys, not made people suffer, just so his brother could keep his innocence."

"Many put family first before anything else, it doesn't make this man any less of a danger just because he protects family," Diluc stated, coming to a stop at the central waterfall. "I'm usually one to say let's get straight to the action, and fix it before it develops, but don't you want to enjoy this festival?" The Nobleman gestured around, at the happy people, the singing, and the brightly coloured decorations that hung effortlessly.

You did and you didn't. You wanted both to dive into the Festival, forgetting your woes and just live in the moment but at the same time, the itch was getting stronger. You were closer than ever to finding out what your past was, who you were--are and who the people in your fractured lost memories were.

You nodded, "I'll try Diluc."

It was like Paimon snapped into action. She clapped her small hands and demanded the first stop was the closest food vendor, everyone was to follow her. So you all did, Paimon's nose guiding the way as if she was a dog. Which, you couldn't lie, made you giggle slightly at the moment.

"Paimon, wait up--" Aether called as she quickly sped ahead, eager to fill her belly. Aether picked up his speed, winding through the crowded street.

"Typical Paimon," you laughed.

"She's an interesting one," Diluc nodded.

The crowd began to grow thicker and began to make you feel quite claustrophobic as you had grown accustomed to the space nature provided. You were slowly being pushed apart from Diluc, which sent a touch of worry through your mind at the idea of being separated. Not that you were far from anyone.

The idea of you being snatched up did always hover around in your mind, but it was a thought you didn't want to overcome your feelings. You felt protected, and safe and you knew you could protect yourself, but a feeling of impending doom gnawed at you, feeding on every time you worried.

"I got you," Diluc words were smooth as he forced his way to close the gap between you, slinking an arm around your waist. "Is this okay?" He asked as he held you close, enough that you wouldn't slip away again. You looked at him with widened eyes but nodded silently, thanking him with your facial expression.

Wish (GenshinxReader) Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant