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"Ah, crap! The tide!" John B cursed, seeing that the pathway we had to use to get out of the area had become flooded in the duration of an hour.

"Oh, this doesn't look good." Pope evidently stated, worried.

"How deep is that?" Kie questioned the two boys in the driver and passenger seat.

"I dunno. The road's gone." John B informed us as he slowed to a halt before the brim of the water.

"Tide rose faster than I thought it would." JJ stated the obvious.

"Just a little bit." John B stated.

"Uh, John B, how high are the spark plugs?" JJ questioned John B.

"They're good. We're fine." John B informed us, not even checking how high the water had risen.

"How high are they?" JJ questioned him again.

"Oh, um...Uh, just above the taillight." John B informed him, peaking his head outside of the window this time.

"Okay, so that's, what, three feet?" Pope estimated.

"That's three feet. Yeah." JJ confirmed.

"Fuck." I cursed. We were in deep shit.

"It can't be three feet deep." Kie stated in disbelief.

"Then what's the problem?" John B cluelessly questioned us.

"Not a problem. No, we're good. We're good. She'll make it." JJ lied.

"Yeah. Fasten your seat belts. Hold on to something." John B advised us, and we did.

"We're going into hyperdrive." John B stated, referencing Star Wars.

"I'll say a quick prayer." JJ jokingly stated.

"We're gonna need all the Hail Mary's we can get if we're planning on making it to the other side." I factually stated.

"Three, two, one." John B counted down, but the van didn't for a few seconds until it jolted forward, causing all of us to fall forward at the sudden movement.

"You got this! You got this!" JJ encouraged his friend.

We all indistinctly yelled at him to go faster, most definitely not helping with the situation.

"Faster! Faster!" JJ exclaimed.

"Whoa! Whoa!" John B exclaimed, feeling the van slightly drifting to the right.

"Speed is your friend. Speed is your friend, John B." JJ encouraged him.

Seeing as we were almost at the end of the pathway, we all victoriously cheered before everything took a sudden turn, literally, and the van harshly drifted to the right.

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no." John B repeatedly stated.

"I think we miscalculated." John B stated after the van came to a halt.

"I knew I should have driven." JJ stated as if the outcome would have been any more different.

"JJ. Definitely not the time." I scolded him as I slid open the back door of the van for all of us to get out and discuss our options.

"Okay, maybe we can walk from here." Pope suggested.

"What? And leave the Twinkie? The...the tide's coming in." John B factually stated, dismissing his suggestion.

"So, then what are we supposed to do?" Sarah's questioned her ex-boyfriend.

"Not stay here." JJ factually stated.

𝐋𝐈𝐅𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐄,  𝐣𝐣 𝐦𝐚𝐲𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐤 ² ✓Where stories live. Discover now