Jisung would have let that comment go straight to his heart, but Minho was just that nice of a person that he wasn't sure it meant anything. He was flirty with plenty of people, so what were the chances that they both felt things for each other?

Taking the last few steps in unison, the boys reached their desired destination. 

The roof.

Opening the door for Jisung, Minho looked around before giving him a smile. "Technically we're not supposed to be up here, so don't go telling everyone."

"Minho." The younger chuckled, the disbelief clear in his tone. "What if we get in trouble?"

Gesturing to a bench overlooking the city, the Lee just grinned. "I don't mind if it's for you."

Two questionable comments in one night? What was Jisung supposed to think? This most likely oblivious man was getting his hopes up for what was probably nothing. 

Nevertheless, Jisung couldn't help but smile, his insides feeling all fluttery. Maybe the fanfiction was getting to him, he could only describe his feelings in the terms of a starry-eyed teenage girl.

Taking a seat next to the rapper, Minho's eyes stayed on the lights from the surrounding buildings. He was right to choose the roof, it was quiet and secluded.

"Want some?" Jisung offered the cup to the other boy, eyes wide. "It's delicious by the way."

"Yes please." Minho took the chopsticks, the only set he had thought to grab, and ate the noodles. "Thank you." 

The warm food was a sharp opposite of the night air, an occasional cool wind freezing Jisung out. Luckily for him, he was with an amazingly observant man.

"Oh!" Minho was pleased with himself for seeing forward. Fortunately for them both, he had thought to bring a blanket, carrying it folded under his arm. It was only now that Jisung noticed as it was being unfolded. 

"Here." Gently he wrapped the thing around the younger, making sure he was all covered.

"Thanks." Jisung looked to the dancer, concern on his face. "But don't you need it too?"

"Oh no, I'm fine." Minho was flattered by the other's looking out for him, but he cared more about the younger than himself.

As if to spite him, a frigid gust of wind blew right then, chilling Minho and sending Jisung's hair pointing in all different directions. 

"Oh, here." Jisung laughed, ignoring the other man's complaints as he laid the blanket across both of their backs, sliding closer so they both fit under it. 

"What would I do without you?" Minho whispered, fixing the younger's wind-tussled locks.

Slurping up another bite of ramen, Jisung smiled. "Probably freeze to death." 

Minho said nothing, only stared at Jisung, both unable to look away.

Although this would have been an ideal moment for any fanfiction lover, Jisung's mind was racing. What if this was a regular occurrence? Maybe Minho brought Hyunjin or anyone else at the company here every night, whispering sweet nothings to them as the night went on.

Because of these thoughts, Jisung averted his gaze, turning back to the balcony view. Desperate to change the subject, he swallowed, holding the warm soup close. "What do you think your life would be like if you weren't an idol?"

Minho looked at the ground, unsure of what he had done or said to make Jisung uncomfortable all of the sudden. Clearing his throat, he wished to change the atmosphere back to how it had been just moments ago. "I don't know, I guess I've never thought about it."

"Really?" Jisung was surprised. He personally thought about it all the time. "You don't think about falling in love? Settling down? Just living a normal life?"

Minho just shrugged, not sure what the big deal was. "I'd still do all those things even though I'm an idol."

Jisung shook his head, one of the options seeming very unlikely. The entertainment industry was very strict on certain policies, especially relationships. "You'd get in so much trouble with the company, probably lose your job."

"I meant what I said, Jisung." Minho's face was stone cold serious, no hint of his joking, flirting self. "I don't care about all that as long as it's for you."

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