But still he said nothing, reaching his hand out for me to pass the ball back, I did, and he gestured for me to take my seat.

Eager to be out of that awkward situation, I sat down, trying to resist the urge to look at Adrian in confusion, and question.

"What the fuck?" He questioned through our mind-link, clearly just as confused as I was.

"I have no idea," I just replied, shaking my head, as I forced myself to forget the strange event and focus on the lesson.

It was raining again, and the sound of the rain on the window was both comforting and distracting, although I wasn't sure if it was the rain, or the eyes burning into the back of my head.

I sighed silently, willing time to go faster.


"Kaden, Adrian, Cameron, stay behind please," Tom called us out as we raised from our seats, not looking up from his computer as he did so.

Adrian dropped back into his seat, while I leaned back against my desk and Cameron just stood there awkwardly.

The students left in a rush, eager to get out of school as soon as possible, I was feeling the same way, and hoped the conversation with Tom wouldn't last long.

Hopefully, he wouldn't make us serve detention again for skipping out on half of the one we had on Friday.

Adam and his friends hung back as usual, and Tom gestured for us to come to the front of the room, but what worried me was when he closed the door.

I raised an eyebrow in question, aware of our newfound friends getting up from their seats.

"Is there a problem?" I asked, my defences becoming extremely high, and I noticed Adrian and Cameron were the same.

"I hope not," Tom replied, once again picking up the rusted metal ball from earlier, this time he passed it to Adrian, who looked at it in confusion, before he hesitantly took it.

Adam and his friends gathered around us, not in a threatening manner, more...curious? 

"Can you tell me what that is made of?" Tom asked the three of us, or maybe it was all of us, I wasn't sure, it felt like we were getting our own personal History lesson, but something just didn't feel right.

"Um, iron?" Adrian questioned, looking very confused.

"Interesting, any other guesses?" Tom was smiling as his eyes roamed over us.

Cameron took the ball from Adrian, examining it, and it was only then that I felt like we had walked straight into a trap.

I took the ball from Cameron, not waiting for him to give a response and handed it back over to Tom, taking a defensive stance in front of my friends.

"We don't know," I spoke calmly, "what is it made of?"

Tom only smiled more as he looked at me, almost pleased with my response.

"To be honest with you, I'm not so sure either, it is incredibly old, made a long time ago using an ancient smeltery. Trying to find out its material has proven to be quite difficult, all that we do know if that it is immensely powerful...and very," he paused, slowing his words, I'm not sure if he was building suspense, or trying to torture us, but I forced myself to breathe as I let him finish.

"Heavy," he finally said, letting the ball fall from his hand, it was almost like it was falling in slow-motion as I let his words sink in.

The ball hit the floor with so much force, burying itself into the now broken floorboards.

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