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The ringing of a phone was heard in Emma's hotel room. Unfortunately, she had left her personal phone there. It wasn't a big deal if only she hadn't avoided (Y/n) for a week because of work. And now it wasn't really helping her case if she had unintentionally left her phone from the stress of being late.

(Y/n) frowned at bold text that says "Busy". He put his phone down and rubbed his forehead. "All she always is, is busy" (Y/n) said as he threw himself to the bed, landing with a huff. His cat scooted itself towards (Y/n) in attempt to comfort him.

Usually his cat, Rain, would always be able to cheer him up but right now all (Y/n) could think of is Emma. He gave a deep sigh before lifting his hand to brush the soft fur of his cat. His eyes slowly fluttering close while Rain gave soft purrs.

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Emma went straight to her hotel room as soon as her manager said she was able to do anything she wished for the rest of the day. She reached for her phone and immediately called back (Y/n). It rang a few times before displaying the one word (Y/n) encountered a while ago: Busy. She called again in hopes for (Y/n) to answer, but much to her luck (Y/n) didn't pick up. Emma gave a deep sigh before giving up and laying herself on her soft bed.

This was the first time the couple experienced long distance and they were both determined to make it work. The first few weeks were alright, constant morning and night calls, a few 'i love yous' to each others before work, becoming to only one call a day and one 'i love you' then finally no messages and missed calls left with each other.

Their relationship seemed like it wasn't going to last but Emma was optimistic. Sure (Y/n) was optimistic but he was also a realist. They both knew they would last a few weeks but maybe not forever. Of course both couldn't go on like this forever. It was just a matter of what limit was it before forever.

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