Grand Central

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It was a Wednesday Afternoon, (Y/n) was laying on his couch reading a rather 'enigmatic book' as he would like to call it. Soon (Y/n) got bored and called his bestfriend, Emma. Yes, Emma Watson the woman he has been in love with for the past 3 years. They had met in a little bookstore that was a few blocks away from his house.

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(Y/n) wanted to get this new book but unfortunately those books were pretty rare to get so he ran to the bookstore wishing that it hadn't been sold out yet. He walked in and searched the isles, he got there within 10 seconds seeing as though he had visited at least a thousand times.

(Y/n) spotted the book and grabbed it. He leaned on the shelves and read through the pages. He was to busy being engrossed in the book he didn't realize some people taking photos of him.

Emma walked into the bookstore looking for the same specific book. She went through the isles seeing a man holding the book she was looking for. Emma checked to see if there was more beside him but it seemed that he had the only book left. Emma tapped him, making him look up from his book.

"Hi, I'm sorry for disturbing you but you have the only copy of that book and I was wondering if you were done?" Emma asked, looking up as the man was taller than her.

"Oh I was going to buy the book..." He said making Emma frown and look down. He felt bad and considered just handing her the book, but at the same time he wanted the book as well. He waited for the book for at least a month before he found it. And then an idea popped up into his head.

"...But I could lend it to you if you would like?" The taller man said smiling at her. Emma perked up and nodded quickly smiling at him.

"Great Thank you!" Emma said turning around, walking to head back to the exit. "Wait!" The man said catching up with her.

"I don't have your name nor your number." He said laughing softly. Emma's eyes widened at her stupidity. She got out the pen in her purse and took his arm surprising the man a bit. She wrote her personal number and added a tiny smiley face at the end.

"That's my number. Just text me any time you would like." She said closing her pen. Emma was about to start walking until she remembered that she forgot to her name. She walked back to the man who was reading his book.

"My name is Emma by the way." She told the man.

"(Y/n)" He said shaking her hand.

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His filming started in the morning and ended early, so there was really nothing for him to do. (Y/n) wondered what Emma was doing this afternoon. Of course Emma would probably be busy but he couldn't help himself but call. Emma picked up on the other line, "(Y/n)?"

"Hey Emma! I was wondering if you're free right now. I'm really hungry and I wanted to know if you would like to eat with me?" (Y/n) asked.

"Oh no I can't. I'm sorry, I have to film something." Emma apologized.

"Alright. What are you filming?"

"It's where people would ask me a question through a video call in the Grand Central Terminal and I give them advice. I wish I could accompany you but I have to attend this." Emma spoke sincerely. (Y/n) understood that Emma has her career and it was important to her as his career was important to him as well.

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