Blind date

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(I don't really like this one but here you go!)

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Emma's friend, Bonnie and (Y/n)'s best friend, Dan were both friends. Both Bonnie and Dan figured that they should set Emma and (Y/n) up since they had gotten out of a relationship ages ago. Emma wasn't the type to go on blind dates but Bonnie managed to persuade her.  (Y/n) also wasn't the type to do a blind date but his best friend said that it would be good for him especially since he got out of a relationship one year ago. (Y/n) wasn't ready to go date again but he figured that he could at least make another friend if the date doesn't turn out well.

Bonnie told Emma that her date was going to meet her in the cafe. So here she was, waiting in the cafe for her date. Hours have past, and still no date. Emma was getting a bit anxious so she asked Bonnie where he was. Bonnie said that he had an emergency and was going to be there in a few minutes. Emma was relieved that she wasn't stood up but she was also worried about what the emergency could be.

At least an hour has gone by, and still no date. 'What if he decided to just not come? Maybe he forgot? What if he saw me and ran away?' Emma was too busy thinking to realize a man who entered the cafe. (Y/n) wasn't given much of a description of Emma but since there was only one table that had one person, he figured that was his date.

(Y/n) walked towards the table to see a beautiful woman lost in her thoughts. "Hello!" (Y/n) greeted Emma. Emma snapped out of her daze to see a handsome man looking at her. "I apologize i'm late. My car had a flat tire so I had to go and call a friend to help me. They took really long but I'm here" (Y/n) said. "It's alright. I'm glad you made it. For a while there I thought you stood me up" Emma told him. "Oh. No no no don't worry. I'm not the type to stand someone up" (Y/n) said with a smile, Emma reciprocated one back.

After a while, they talked about anything. "Wait wait wait. So she cheated on you and then accused you of cheating, right when you caught her?" Emma asked. "Yeah. I mean it would probably sound unbelievable coming from me" (Y/n) said. "I trust your version of the story." Emma told him, "Really? How would you know if I was telling the truth" (Y/n) asked. "You have that look in your eye. It still hurts you and I can see it. It's the same look in my eyes when I got cheated on too" Emma told him. "Glad you understand" (Y/n) said with a smile, "Okay but I need to hear how you broke up with your boyfriend as well." (Y/n) said, sipping his drink.

Emma was usually uncomfortable talking about the topic but with (Y/n), she felt a comforting feeling, so she decided to finally touch the topic. "Well, he proposed and I said no. We were in a relationship for like 9 months." Emma said. (Y/n) spit out his drink and said "He proposed in 9 months?!" Emma nodded, "Was it that bad?" (Y/n) reassured her. "It wouldn't be if it wasn't in front of my entire family. And that's not all, it was his first time meeting my family and he did it right when he had just greeted my parents," Emma said. "Oh, Wow. How did you feel?" (Y/n) asked Emma, "Well he was really sweet but it was literally the first time he met my parents and he did it just when he greeted them but we eventually broke up because I found him cheating on me the next day" Emma told (Y/n), him giving her a sympathetic look.

(Y/n) decided to change the subject, "Anyways, how's life being a very famous actress" (Y/n) asked with an accent. Emma laughed and said "Oh cmon, I'm not that famous." (Y/n) gave her a bored expression, "Emma I could've sworn someone just asked you to take a picture with them." Emma chuckled and started talking about life as an actress.

Emma and (Y/n) eventually had to both go home. (Y/n) paid the check and Emma offered to bring him home as a thank you. "Let me bring you home since you had a flat tire," Emma said. "No, besides my friend could just drive here. It's not big deal," (Y/n) told her shrugging. "You paid and It's alright really. I enjoyed today, best dates I've had," Emma said with a grin. Soon (Y/n) smiled back and obliged, "Alright then."

Emma drove (Y/n) to his house. They exchanged a few goodbyes and now they were going to update their friends about it.

(Y/n) got out of the shower to see his phone ringing, it was Dan. He picked up. "Hey Dan!" (Y/n) said
"Hey (Y/n), how was your date?" Dan asked.
"Honestly it was great. We talked about many things. Emma was pretty fun to be with." (Y/n) said remembering their funny moments.
"Glad you did! See! You need to get out more. Also, I decided to give you a push and I set you up on another date with Emma." Dan said
"You said you enjoyed the date. So being your best friend, I got you another date with her."
"(Y/n). You have been so hung up over your break up. You need this."
"Dan, I already scheduled one."
"Yeah. I figured it was time to move on."
"That's my best friend! See all you needed was.."
"Mhm Yeah Dan Good night" (Y/n) said speaking over Dan's words and then ending the call. (Y/n) sighed and texted Emma a goodnight.

Meanwhile with Emma, Bonnie kept asking questions over the phone. Emma just sighed knowing that the only way she could go to sleep is by answering Bonnie's questions. Emma finally answered all of Bonnie's questions, she was about to go to bed until her phone buzzed, it was (Y/n). Emma smiled at the "Good Night! :)" text (Y/n) sent, she soon sent one back. Both of them sleeping and ending their first date.

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(Hey guys! How are you?)

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