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Emma and (Y/n) are supposed to go to their bestfriend, Bonnie's wedding. They would've been able to leave their house if only they had stopped arguing. Now how did they get into this position? Well, what we're about to find out.

"Emma! Love! We were supposed to leave 10 minutes ago!" (Y/n) shouted from the bottom of their staircase since Emma was way too far. (Y/n) didn't want Emma to get mad at him again for walking to the second floor with his shoes on.

Emma furiously walked down the stairs. "This wouldn't have happened if we listened to me and got ready 30 minutes before." She said angrily.

"No. If you didn't take 1 hour to get ready then we'd be out the door by now." (Y/n) said as furious.

Emma and (Y/n) agreed that they would leave the house 10 minutes before the wedding since the venue was near, but he forgot that Emma took a long time to get ready. He would've been okay blaming it on himself if only Emma didn't constantly blame him for things. He was sick of it.

"You're always like this?" Emma said furiously. She was loosing her patience and (Y/n) was too. The only question is...who would give up first?

"Like what? Like I actually want to attend this wedding? Like I always have to pretend it's my fault? Like I'm not sick of this?!" (Y/n) said, adjusting his tie to help him breathe better.

"I'm sick of this too! It's not only this. There are a lot of things believe me." Emma huffed.

"What things?" (Y/n) looked at her in confusion.

"You never told me you were going to a bar with your coworker who was clearly interested in you!" Emma spoke.

If they were letting everything out, they were doing it now.

(Y/n) was invited to go to this bar nearby their office. It would've been alright with Emma if only he wasn't invited by his coworker who would tirelessly flirt with him every chance she got. (Y/n) has told that certain coworker that he had a girlfriend and was uninterested in any romantic relationship with her but she just couldn't take the hint.

When (Y/n) was invited by the woman. He accepted, thinking that they were going there for business reasons. One thing led to another and the coworker got drunk, causing (Y/n) to drive her home and lying to Emma knowing of her jealousy towards the coworker. Look. He was supposed to tell her but when he got home Emma was already frustrated with him so he didn't want to add fuel to the fire.

"I thought she invited me there to talk about our new project. She had too many drinks and I had to drive her home-" (Y/n) tried to explain.

"You...drove her...home?" Emma said frighteningly slowly.

"Yes! I didn't want to leave her there, in a bar full of strangers and who knows what could've happened to her." (Y/n) explained.

"You should've called people who are close to her. They would have taken care of her!" Emma said, her voice raising with every word.

"I didn't think of that..." (Y/n) said guiltily, he looked down at his shoes to avoid eye contact with Emma.

"Well of course you didn't. You're always so daft" Emma muttered the last sentence but unfortunately, (Y/n) heard.

"What?" (Y/n) slowly lifted his head to look at Emma. His eyes widened, mouth gaping as he tried so hard to find the words to say. Emma was also surprised at the words that came out of her mouth.

Emma was about to speak until (Y/n) sucked im a deep breath, cutting her off. "You know what never mind. Let's just get through this wedding and talk about this later."

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