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"Will it do?" asked Penelope as she turned to show Eloise her gown for the evening.

Eloise who had just finished dressing herself turned towards her best friend who had come over earlier in the evening to get ready for the opera. "Oh Pen," said Eloise, stunned at Penelope's appearance.

"What is it?" asked Penelope worriedly as she turned to regard herself in the mirror, self-consciously running her hands down the front of her dress. "Is it not suitable? When Genevieve found out I was attending the opera she wanted to create something new for me. I have become somewhat of a muse for her this season. I tried to decline but she would not hear of it. Between your mother and Genevieve, I have far too many dresses as it is."

Eloise crossed the room to embrace her friend. "You are absolutely beautiful Pen. You deserve these beautiful gowns after all those years in those garish yellow dresses and bows."

Penelope laughed but then let out a trembling sigh. Eloise could see that she was clearly anxious about the evening. "Genevieve was inspired by butterflies," said Penelope as she gently touched the bodice of the gown in which silk butterflies were sewn. The gown itself was purple and reminded Eloise of the wisteria that grew in the gardens of the Bridgerton's country home, Aubrey Hall.

"Well, you will be the most beautiful butterfly at the opera," Eloise said before sitting in the chair in front of her vanity. "Here Pen, please have a seat. I will call in the maids to dress our hair."

When Eloise returned from calling for the maids, she could see Penelope regarding herself with a worried expression. "What is it, Pen?"

Penelope looked at her friend and paused before answering. "Colin came to call on me yesterday."

Eloise nodded. She knew that Colin was planning to visit Penelope. She had not asked Colin what the outcome of the visit was. She believed that when Colin was willing to tell her the details, he would. "Was it a pleasant visit?"

"Yes," said Penelope, nodding. "No, I mean yes...That is... I do not know. I find that I am feeling somewhat befuddled by your brother," added Penelope.

"Pen," said Eloise reassuringly. "It is alright. You can tell me."

"Your brother...he wishes to court me. Colin...he told me...he told me that he was in love with me," replied Penelope, her voice shaking. Eloise watched as she placed a hand on her chest to calm her erratic breathing.

Eloise had to push down the glee that was threatening to burst from her at Penelope's news. She knew that Colin was going to tell Penelope that he wished to court her, but she had no idea that he would actually admit to Penelope that he was in love with her. Eloise waited until Penelope's breathing had calmed until she asked her next question.

"Oh Pen, what did you say?"

"At first I did not know what to say," replied Penelope as she fidgeted with the chiffon skirt of her gown. "I had loved him for so long and my feelings were never reciprocated. I almost thought that it could not be real, that surely, I would awaken at any moment and realise that it had been nothing but a wonderful dream. I told him that I found it difficult to believe or trust him. I told him that he needed to earn me."

Eloise grinned. "And what was his response?"

"That he would do anything to prove to me that he loved me. That if I were to give him a chance that he would spend the rest of his life loving me. Part of me just wants to give into him El, to rush into his arms and spend the rest of my life with him."
"And the other part?" questioned Eloise.

Penelope sighed. "The other part is telling me that I am foolish to believe anything that Colin says. That the way your brother is feeling right now is temporary at best and is only because I am receiving attention from other gentlemen. Oh Eloise, what should I do?"

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