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Michael gazed out the window of his townhouse which was located in Bloomsbury. It was just far enough from Grovenor's Square so that he was not accosted on the daily by matchmaking mamas and close enough to Mayfair to still be considered fashionable. The weather had cooperated as he looked up at the blue cloudless sky and he found that he was very much looking forward to his promenade with Penelope Featherington. Michael had already decided that Miss Featherington would not make the best match for his cousin, not because she was not beautiful or intelligent but because Michael himself was interested in her.

When he had come to call on her the previous day, she had surprised him with her loveliness. She was clearly very bright and also quite funny. She had him laughing several times with her quick-witted responses and keen observations. Penelope's friend Eloise had been at the Featherington house when he had come to call. He had to come to find out that she was one of the Bridgerton brood and was the second eldest daughter. For a moment, Michael thought she might make a suitable bride for his cousin but after hearing her speak her thoughts on marriage, Michael did not think that her and John would suit.

As he fastened his cufflinks Michael walked down to the foyer and put on his coat and adjusted his cravat. John had suggested that he hire a footman, and butler to assist with the running of the rather large townhouse but he had declined. He managed quite well with the housekeeper Mrs. Mudgett and his cook. He did not need someone helping him to dress or answer his door as he was rarely in London.

"Are you off then sir," asked his elderly housekeeper as she came around the corner. She was a dear woman and had looked after Michael for many years.

"Yes, Mrs. Mudgett. I will be back later this evening for supper. What are we having tonight?"

"I believe cook said that we are having a roast dinner, beef I recall." replied Mrs. Mudgett as she picked a piece of lint off of his coat and smoothed the sleeves so there were no wrinkles. "Will you be taking the dogs with you then? I daresay they could use the exercise after being cooped up in this house."

Michael looked down at the two black terriers that were sitting just at the entrance of the parlor looking up at him, pleading with him with their puppy eyes to go for a walk in the park. Michael was by no means a pushover in any way, but his dogs were his soft spot, and he could not deny them a chance to go to the park. "Very well, I do not think Miss Featherington will mind if you too come along," as he patted their heads and attach their leads and set off towards the park. He made it there quickly, and soon found the Featherington's setting up their tent.

"Good Morning Lady Featherington," said Michael in what he hoped to be a pleasant manner. "A beautiful day is it not?" he added while catching Penelope's eye. He saw a delightful blush cover her peaches and cream complexion and she looked down shyly.

Lady Featherington looked up and smiled pleasantly at Michael. "Mr. Stirling, how to see you. I see you brought your dogs," as she looked down somewhat disdainfully at the two dogs that sat at his feet.

"Uh, yes. I am afraid that they have not had as much exercise here in London. I thought that they would enjoy a visit to the park. I hope you do not mind."

Before Lady Featherington could respond, Penelope came forward and knelt down to pet the dogs. "I do not mind at all. I adore animals. What are their names?" asked Penelope.

"This one here is Barlow," said Michael. "And this one is Bear. Both females."

"Hello Barlow. Hello Bear," cooed Penelope. "What good little girls you are," as she rubbed their tummies. Barlow and Bear were instantly enamored of Penelope as they snuggled up against and attempted to lick her face. "We will you have to introduce the two of you to Newton!"

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