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"You know, I cannot remember the last time I had such a lovely afternoon," said Benedict as their carriage made its way back to Grovenor's Square. "Do you enjoy your four different ices?" asked Benedict as he glanced over at his brother who was looking out the carriage window.

"I suppose so," replied Colin flatly. "Did you know that Penelope was going to be there Benedict?"

"Mother may have mentioned it," said Benedict casually. "Do you mind that she was there? I know that you two had that falling out after Lady Featherington's ball and the subsequent Lady Whistledown article."

"Not at all. It was good to see her."

Benedict smiled. He knew of his brother's friendship with Penelope and how much it meant to him. This past month had been horrible for his Colin, and he had a firsthand view of how his brother was managing the loss of Penelope's friendship. Colin, never one to turn down food had barely been eating. Benedict in fact thought that the ices that they just had in Gunter's was the only thing Colin had managed to eat in several days. It was also the one of the first times that Colin had ventured out during the day since the unfortunate incident.

"I have always thought Penelope to be quite pretty," said Benedict. If he noticed Colin narrowing his eyes at him, he paid no heed. "Her skin is so beautiful, like a fine porcelain, have you noticed brother?"

Colins only response was a slight gruff and nod.

"And her hair. Such a beautiful red. She looked quite fetching in her dress today. I wonder if she would let me paint her," pondered Benedict.

Benedict could see that Colin was becoming more agitated by the minute. He hands at balled into fists and his face was scarlet as he tried to retain his gentlemanly composure.

"I need a drink," said Colin. It was then that the carriage stopped in front of their family home. Benedict followed him into the house where Colin made his way to Anthony's study and poured himself a drink and sat in one of the armchairs by the fireplace. Benedict sat in the chair across from his brother and looked at him. Colin was a mess. It was Benedict's opinion that Colin was in love with Miss Featherington but he either did not quite know it or he was not ready to give himself to it after what happened with Marina Thompson.

"What did you mean by your comments about Pen?" Colin asked suddenly.

Benedict shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly. "I just thought that she looked pretty. She always has been, although I think it's been hidden behind those hideous gowns her mother puts her in. Although I do not think that will be any issue anymore," said Benedict as he helped himself to a drink.

"And why is that?"

"Because mother just bought her a whole new wardrobe. Mama was quite upset about the Lady Whistledown article. I believe that this was her way of an apology to Penelope."

Benedict looked to Colin and watched as he winced at his words. "Serves him right,' thought Benedict.

"I should think that the gentlemen will be falling at her feet this time next week once they see her in her new ball gown. I say, did you know what a wit Penelope is? I do not think I have ever laughed so much."

Colin growled. "Of course, I know that. Pen is, was one of my dearest friends. I know how cutting her barbs can be. I am a fool, Benedict."

"Who's a fool?" asked Anthony as he entered into his study and found his brother's drinking his brandy.

"Oh, help yourself brothers," Anthony said sarcastically before pouring himself a drink. "Who is a fool then?" as he looked between Colin and Benedict.

"Colin is the fool," said Benedict.

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