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Michael did not enjoy his time when he was in London. He much preferred the Scottish countryside where the rules were much less strict. In London he felt cornered and stifled as if he could not be his true self. He was regretting agreeing to attend Lady Cowper's ball in his cousin's stead. Michael knew that his reputation proceeded him. Although he was not a member or the peerage and did not hold a title, he was the closest relation to the Earl of Kilmartin and had a quite a substantial fortune himself. He had also been known since Eton as the merry rake and had probably bedded more women than Casanova himself but that did not stop the matchmaking mamas from throwing their daughters at him. Michael knew the opinion of the mamas of the ton; that reformed rakes made the best of husbands. But Michael was not a reformed rake, and he was not here for himself, he was to find a bride for his cousin.

As he entered into the ballroom, he was immediately accosted by his host Lord and Lady Cowper who quickly introduced him to their daughter Lady Cressida Cowper. Lady Cressida was indeed beautiful with her tall and slender figure and ice blonde hair. There was a certain hardness to her but perhaps that was do to her severe hairstyle that pulled at her features. Michael himself preferred when ladies kept their hair down. He knew that it was not fashionable but he rather liked it when he could run his hands through a woman's silky locks.

"It is a pleasure to meet you Miss Cowper," said Michael as he placed a kiss on her outstretched hand.

Cressida curtsied. "The pleasure is all mine Mr. Stirling," she purred seductively.

Michael cleared his throat. "I hope that you will save me a dance Miss Cowper, perhaps a waltz if you are allowed," asked Michael as he looked towards her mother for permission.

Lady Cowper nodded to her daughter while Cressida looked back towards him. "I would be delighted to accept sir." Michael nodded and signed her dance card before making his excuses and made his way across the ballroom. He did not think that Miss Cowper would be John's type, but he had only met the young lady minutes ago. The waltz allowed for some conversation and that way her would be able to get a better idea of the type of lady that she was. He quickly obtained a glass of champagne and found a darkened alcove where he watched the young ladies of the ton to see who a match for his dear cousin could be.

Most of the young ladies seemed the same to him. They flit around the ballroom in their pretty gowns listing off their accomplishments to prospective gentlemen who barely listened to them. He was becoming exceedingly bored when he noticed a pair of young ladies in front of him talking quietly. One was taller with chestnut brown hair and pretty face, and she was greeting what looked to be her friend, a shorter young lady that stood beside her. It was the shorter friend that intrigued him. She was petite with the most deliciously Rubenesque form he had ever seen. He could only see her profile but could tell that her face was equally as lovely, and her hair was the brightest red he had ever seen that fell like a flame down her back. The taller girl was taking the shorter girl by her hand and was bringing her over to greet her family. Michael stood and walked over to a nearby column where her could get better view of the woman.

Michael watched as the titian haired goddess greeted the family and quickly realized that this family was the Bridgerton's He had been to Eton with Anthony, the current viscount and his younger brother Benedict. He recalled the conversation that he had with Colin Bridgerton at Mondrich's and wondered if this young lady was who he had been talking about. She certainly fit the description of being petite and having red hair but had Colin not said that the girl was a wallflower? This young lady was beautiful. If the gentlemen in London thought that this woman was a wallflower than there was something clearly wrongly with them. It was then that dancing was announced by Lord Cowper and Michael watched as Benedict asked the young lady to dance. When the quadrille was over, she danced with Viscount Bridgerton followed by the Duke of Hastings. Michael, who was now back to sitting in the darkened alcove observed the duke depositing the red head on the edge of the ball room floor just in front of him. The duke then set out to find the lady a glass of lemonade. Michael was just about to stand to introduce himself when the young lady was joined by two of her friends. One was the young lady who she was with before and the other who he thought might be Viscount Bridgerton's fiancé. He was close enough that he could hear their conversation and could hear that the petite woman was somewhat nervous about the approaching Miss Cowper.

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