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Penelope sat in her family's drawing room attempting to read a book. She was trying to distract herself from counting down the minutes to when Michael Stirling was to call on her. They had become the best of friends in the past months. She knew that the ton did not understand why Michael Stirling, one of the most handsome eligible bachelors spent most of his time by her side. To be honest Penelope wondered this herself. Michael could have any young lady he wished, and he chose to spend his time with her. Typically, when they were together, they would read or he would take her promenading, to visit museums or to visit Gunter's. It was nice having a friend of the opposite sex that you did not have romantic feelings for. Penelope felt like a weight had been lifted from her shoulders and she did not feel pressure to be the perfect debutante in his presence. Penelope could truly be her most genuine self. She and Michael could discuss anything, there was no topic that was off the table. Michael had even intimated to her before he left for Scotland that his cousin the earl had enlisted his help in finding a suitable wife. Penelope had prepared a list of young ladies that were currently out and those would be debuting this season. She was sure that they would be able to find John a suitable wife, perhaps it would even be a love match!

Penelope had been reading the same paragraph when there was a knock at the door. Penelope looked up from her book hoping to see that Briarly was announcing Michael's arrival.

"Yes Briarly," said Penelope's mother Portia as their butler stood in the entrance of drawing room.

"A message mam for Miss Penelope," replied Briarly.

Penelope stood and crossed the room quickly to retrieve the note. "Thank you Briarly." Her face fell as she read the contents of the missive. The note was indeed from Michael; however, he was writing that he would not be able to call on her due to unforeseen circumstances. Disappointed Penelope fell back on the nearest settee.

"Who was the note from my dear?" asked her mother, her head bent over her embroidery.

"It is from Michael Stirling. He was supposed to call on me today, but something has come up," replied Penelope sadly.

"Penelope, he only just arrived from Scotland last night. I am sure that he will visit once he is properly settled," said Portia. "Why do you not visit Eloise? Are you not supposed to have tea at Number Five anyways?"

Perhaps her mother was right. Michael was most likely weary from his journey. She would see him soon. If she went over to the Bridgerton's early, it would give her a chance to speak with Eloise in private. She and Eloise had decided that when the season started that they would be collaborating on the Lady Whistledown column together. They were to both keep their ears open and report back to one another while Penelope wrote the columns.

"I think I will go over to see Eloise Mama, unless I am needed here?"

Her mother rolled her eyes. "I am the one who suggested it, Penelope. Run Along."

Penelope nodded and quickly left the drawing room to change into a more suitable dress. She opted for blue day dress with long sleeves and had embroidered roses along the rather low-cut neckline and bodice as well as the hem of the dress. It was one of her new dresses and one of her favorites although she had not had an opportunity to wear it. It was rather unseasonably warm that day, so she decided to forgo a spencer and instead chose a shawl in a color that matched her dress. Regarding herself in the mirror, Penelope pinched her cheeks and bit her lips to give herself some color. Deciding that her appearance was satisfactory she picked up her parasol and began to make her way downstairs and then across the square to Number Five.

After knocking on the door, it was several minutes before a very tired looking Humboldt answered. "Good Morning Humboldt," greeted Penelope brightly. "I am expected for tea, but I wanted to come by earlier to see Eloise if I may."

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