Changing back, Hua Cheng was waiting impatiently at the door. HOW MANY TIMES HAVE I TOLD YOU NOT TO USE THAT FORM?! Roared Hua Cheng

Daddy, I love you as he ran up and hugged Hua Cheng

You made him bleed according to him, you're are an otherworldly beauty now said Hua Cheng sighing

I am because my form has matured. Would you also like to see as Hua Ying smiled slyly


Laughing so hard that Hua Cheng had to hold him up; alright, alright enough of that you have to take him and leave and do what you must said Xie Lian

Mommy, would you love to see asked Hua Ying innocently

A-Ying if I see, I won't react like Jun Wu or your father would I would just have you sleep the rest of your mortal life away said Xie Lian

Mm ok you have a point and I have things to do he said as he smiled and skipped inside, what's for lunch daddy, A-Ying is starving as called out.

Go fetch Jiang Cheng, who won't get out of bed then you can eat said Hua Cheng

A-Cheng lets go eat said Hua Ying

Leave me. Said Jiang Cheng

A-Cheng if you don't get up, I will use the same talisman I used on Lan Zhan that night and trust me you won't like doing this against your will and you won't like it and anyway daddy said if you don't eat, I don't get to eat, plus we need to go. I need to meet up with sister Qing and see how she is then, go and get your core fixed.

Wait you can seriously do that? Asked Jiang Cheng

No, no I can't but, grandmother Sanren, can. Said Hua Ying

But she lives on a celestial mountain and doesn't allow her students to come back after they leave said Jiang Cheng

To others yes, mother went back with father after they started roaming, that is my second home, by my grandmother that's normally where I go if I don't want to go to lotus pier and I am always welcome. Said Hua Ying

So, we are going to that mountain asked Jaing Cheng

No Grandmother won't allow that, she doesn't like you with good reason, so when I get to Yiling and meet with sister Qing then, I will receive a message on where to go next and how to proceed I all said Hua Ying so are you coming to eat or you going to starve yourself until we get there because I can guarantee on the third day of inedia people start looking tasty. Said Hua Ying

Getting up and following him why would Boashan Sanren help me if she doesn't like me? Asked Jiang Cheng

Because I am her beloved grandson and only blood member of our clan, she will never deny me with the reason I told her and before you ask it's because I used Shijie's name and she likes shijie said Hua Ying.

How come everyone knows us but, we don't know them? Asked Jiang Cheng

It is forbidden to speak of our families to outsiders. He did once and he got hurt and since then we forbade it with that good reason said Xie Lian now no more talking and eat.

Mommy did Daddy cook for an army again, is my uncle's coming? Asked Hua Ying as Hua Cheng walked out carrying the hot rice

A-Ying you haven't truly healed yet and you eat a lot more than this when you are still healing. besides I made our favorite said Hua Ying as he lifted the pot lid to show the extra flaming hot super spicy melt your skin off hot pot.

My immortal, mortal BeginningNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ