Caiyi Town

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As they reached the entrance, they see Huaisang speaking to a woman, who then lifted her head.

Sister A-Shi shouted Hua Ying as he ran and jumped in his sister's arms

Don't sister me you brat, scaring the immortality out of me, how are you feeling mother said you were fine, I almost go buried by father and you're walking around creating mischief again aren't you? Accused Hua Tianshi

A-Shi, I'm not a brat I am your loving, favorite and ONLY brother, you would look stunning as a mortal having the emperor as a suitor if he ever saw you, I am fine mostly just overloaded again and if I didn't you would love me less. Said Hua Ying

Fine what are you doing down here? She asked

Nie Huaisang, Cheng, Cheng and myself are going into town want to join? Hua Ying asked

Sure, I don't have anything better to do and I am bored. Said Hua Tianshi

Good want to help me tease someone it's quite fun then saying only she could hear "watch the eyes" said Hua Ying smiling brightly seeing the two-jade coming down.

Ok which one? Asked Hua Tianshi

The only one youngest one. Said Hua Ying snickering

Oh, my he is handsome, I approve. Said Hua Tianshi smiling

I knew you would as he planted a kiss on her cheek. then giving her an arm as they walked closely together. Flirted Hua Ying

Are you two coming Hua Tianshi calling from behind

Nie Huaisang and Jiang Cheng looked at each other, don't even ask when those two are together the shamelessness increases by tenfold said Jiang Cheng not realizing that he was just overheard by the jade twins.

Watching the threesome turned to three with a beauty ZeWu-Jun couldn't help but smile and reply, I believe he is seeking your death by Qi deviation

Receiving nothing, as his brother's eyes were on Hua Ying, ZeWu-Jun could not help but laugh.

Sitting outside and eating they spoke about the classes and how cloud recess looked how Hua Ying was helping Huaisang with his studying and his core by fan cultivation, how he continually teased the youngest jade now he has a name Lan Zhan, how old man Qiren hated Hua Ying. Smelling rice wine in the air Hua Ying jumped up and ran for the empty boat and started paddling.

Oh no you don't Mother said no drinking! Shouted Hua Tianshi as she chased him as she threw the boys in the boat

Mommy said not to drink excessively Hua Ying said as he started rowing even faster trying to outpace his sister

Hua Ying boat crashed into another before he could apologize and angry voice came out can you don't watch where you are rowing?

As his sister came up Hua Ying called hey Cheng, Cheng isn't this the peacock that's going to be your brother by marriage? I wonder how was your first night at the hotel did you sleep well said Hua Ying as he flashed a nasty grin

That was you?! said Jin Zixuan

Smirking even wider, growing darker; you can't prove it and what you received was a light punishment for your selfishness and greed, considering you will be the annoying part of MY shijie's life. said Hua Ying

Brother calm down said Hua Tianshi and you if you cannot speak in a proper manner then rather do not speak at all no one is beneath your feet but, you are beneath mine and I won't hesitate to trample you. Also, my brother cannot control ghosts (yet) so accusing him will only make me more irritable than I already am!

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