Lan Yi and the Yin iron

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Underneath the cold spring Hua Ying got up coughing while Lan Zhan went over to help him.

Are you alright? Asked Lan Zan

If I am hurt then no, I am fine but, what a way to ruin a moment pouted Hua Ying

As he dug in his Qiankun bag muttering and pulled out two robes one white with the Jiang emblem on and the other was red and black inner robes and the outer was black and gold and looked like I was made with silk.

Handing the white robes to Lan Zhan then he got dressed I know they aren't yours but right now they are drier than your naked body, freezing at remark he just made then smiled as he started blushing. They finished dressing and Lan Zhan looked over to Hua Ying as he was examining the cave.

Why would this be here in the middle of the cold spring? Asked Hua Ying, seeing that Lan Zhan was staring at he gave a twirl

Do you like it he smiled seductively? My sister gave it to me on my 15th it's waterproof for one and the outer robe is warm when it's cold and cool when it's hot and it's made from black silk in the ghost realm. The gold is our mark the lotus is my two lotuses back home, one is red and white I got her on my 7th birthday and while and the other is the golden snow lotus they grow now in the pond father gifted me, the butterflies coming out of the lotus you know of and at the back the phoenix raising out of the flames is me because of grandmother Sanren I will be reborn of the ashes like a phoenix I belong to three realms for if you count the mortal world now. A-Shi really went overboard to show off the figure I received from my mother Sanren, like she was dressing a woman but I love it.

Mn said Lan Zhan as he walked towards the opening, mesmerized in front on a table of ice was a guqin walking toward the instrument Hua Ying calls out to him. Reaching the table, he stares (the spiritual energy coming off of it is remarkable and it's a Lan spiritual energy)

A-Zhan wait for me said Hua Ying as he walked forward, just has he was about to reach Lan Zhan the Guqin made a horrible off-key sound and Hua Ying was thrown backwards falling once again into the water, getting up annoyed

Hey! I just dried my hair! He said

Th Guqin sent off another note and this time Hua Ying was ready he ka'powed putting his face in the water.

A-Zhan he said getting up and coughing that Guqin is trying the kill me with the assassination cord technique he huffed clearly agitated why is it only attacking me? Asked Hua Ying

Just then the Guqin sent off another wave, Lan Zhan released bichen to block the cords attack while Hua Ying put his hand up covering his head, realizing the attack did not sweep in off his feet he peeked to see bichen holding off the attack, relieved he fell to his knees. Lan Zhan walked over.

A-Ying are you alright? Asked Lan Zhan

No, I'm being attacked and I haven't done anything wrong, not physically anyway replied Hua Ying

It seems the Guqin only recognizes those of the blood said Lan Zhan as he kneeled and took off his headband and tied it around Hua Ying's wrist and around his own then taking Hua Ying hand in his own and helped him up returning bichen back to its sheath then walking forward to the Giqun this time it did not attack but still Hua Ying clung to Lan Zhan's arm that was tied his, looking around they saw rabbits with the Lan headband on them.

Why do those rabbits have your headband? asked Hua Ying

Finally able to look at the guqin Hua Ying lets go of Lan Zhan and leans in to touch the instrument.

Do not touch said Lan Zhan blocking Hua Ying

A-Zhan I just want to look at it, see it has your name, huh no wonder it attacked me smiled Hua Ying as he thought back to his first night here.

My immortal, mortal BeginningNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ