Puqi Village and the heavenly court

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Stepping out the portal door they step into the shrine and Hua Ying are wide, Mommy is that you? Asks Hua Ying staring at the painting by the alter surrounded by fruits and burning incense.

Yes, can you guess he painted that asked Xie Lian with a smile

Making as though he is thinking while watching his father's face grow darker, he finally says I can't think of anyone besides daddy drawing you he concludes as Hua Cheng puts him down

Tianshi starts rolling with laughter and she sees Hua Cheng's face, Daddy she says through breaths he is as cunning and mischievous as you are maybe he worse, she walks up to her brother and hugs him. Hua Ying looks up and smirks wickedly it's not that A-Shi, if Daddy sees anyone paint Mommy the way he paints him not only will he cut the persons eyes out for offending him he will make them eat every last painting.

Xie Lian starts laughing behind his sleeve as Tianshi falls down rolling with laughter once again and Hua Cheng looks at his son Oh now, you're going to get he says as he smiles, Hua Ying blew his father a raspberry as he dashes for the door all the while making his sister and mother laugh more and his father chased after him. As he reaches the door with his father closely behind him, he bumps into an elderly male and they both go sprawling on the floor, A-Ying is the first to get up and make apologizes and he tries to help the elder male up off the floor.

I'm sorry, I'm so very sorry, I should've watched where I was running A-Ying said

Young master it is fine, it's been a long time since this elderly joined in on the fun said the elder male as he looks up, he sees the ghost king, Xie Lian and Tianshi Greetings Crimson rain sought flower, crowned prince and crowned prince bowing to each one of them respectfully he turns to A-Ying and who might you be young master.

A-Ying bows and smiles before the old man and say I'm Wei Ying known now as Hua Ying lost son of Hua Cheng and Xie Lian brother of Hua Tianshi courtesy name wuxian.

Surprised the old man walks to Hua Cheng and Xia Lian with tears in his eyes, you found him, you finally found him as the old man goes on his knees crying while holding their hands.

Shocked by what the old man has done he runs to him and tries to calm him down; the old man looks up at Hua Ying and smiles while cupping his face.

A-Xian these are happy tears, when you were lost everyone was heartbroken, we prayed that you would be found and here you are. Tianshi bends down, Goushi don't you agree my brother is prettier than me she asks with a smile

A-Shi I'm a boy it should be handsome whined A-Ying

Nope you are beautiful replied Goushi that raven hair and ghostly pale complexion you got from Hua Cheng while you got your features and blood red lips from Xia lain and the body structure is not from them but it's feminine neither is the grace, they both lack it and the silver eyes are not their either but, once you ascend like Xie Lian, I am sure your beauty will be envied even the lady wind master said Goushi

I got that from my dad and mom, they passed away but I still have someone on me to remind them her A-Ying said

We will explain over tea said Xie Lian while Tianshi you can go introduce A-Ying to the village and go play, please don't go into the woods and don't go out the village.

Better yet, YIN YU Hua Cheng called

Yes, Hua Cheng Zhu as Yin Yu Bowed

Make sure they cause the least bit of trouble and stay in the village said Hua Cheng

Yes, Hua Cheng Zhu, as he stood up to follow the children outside

Right now, that we are alone drop the old act Mei Nianqing Growled Hua Cheng

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