15th birthday

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Walking the streets of the ghost realm not really noting anything or where he was going, heading into the brothel and walked up the stairs to the private room he claimed as his own, he fell on his bed thinking 5 years back when he climbed that tree.

"you're going to fall down if, you don't lean against the trunk said the man beside him

No, I won't with my ankle, my wraith butterflies won't allow me to get seriously hurt smiled Hua Ying as his Wraith butterflies came out to greet the man

Of course, I take it you're Hua Ying stated the man

I am and you are asked Hua Ying smiling brighter

Shi Wudu replied the man

Uncle Wudu the water tyrant? Asked Hua Ying surprised

That would be me, what are you doing in the rain? climbing a tree he asked as he took Hua Ying's ankle and examining it Asked Shi Wudu

I can't sleep, I am to use to the silence in paradise manor and the noise from the ghost market whined Hua Ying as he flinched when Shi Wudu, tried to move his ankle

Well, you didn't break anything just very swollen he said as he placed his hand on the swollen ankle, cold water seeped over and stopped the swelling while healing the injury, there that should be much better and back to normal. Said Shi Wudu as he placed his hand on Hua Ying's wet head.

Can we talk for a while please? asked Hua Ying

I have time, I am sorry I never came to see you at the martial hall said Shi Wudu

It's ok but what are you doing here in yunmeng? Aked Hua Ying

I had some business with the water spirits and was on my way back when I heard you fall. Taking the now almost sleeping boy in his arms and keeping him warm and dry, you stay out here any longer and you will catch your death. sighed Shi Wudu

I can't catch my death uncle Wudu, I am part mortal, part phoenix. I can only get sick in frozen weather replied Hua Ying as Shi Wudu jumped down with him in his arms.

Walking back to his bedroom that Hua Ying shared with Jiang Cheng they carried on talking

Shi Qingxuan says you're very strict and very scary but to me uncle Wudu looks nice

I am not nice little demon said Shi Wudu

Why do you and daddy call me that?

That you need to ask your father, for me it's you are appeal to my softer side which I long since buried and plus you're a tyrant for climbing in a tree, in the dark, while it's raining. Said Shi Wudu

A chestnut tree is not only sturdy, it's dry in the rain the inside branches almost never get wet, I just did not expect the moss to be as slippery as it was and I wanted to climb up to the top and speak to the stars. I always do when we are at Xianle palace I climb up to the roof, sometimes a ball of light floats down and speaks to me, she is nice, I was hoping to see her tonight but instead I got to see you which is better. Said Hua Ying

Then it's true what they saying the heaven about you! Stated Shi Wudu

What do they say about me? Asked Hua Ying

You are not what you think of yourself you are better, you are bright as the morning sun and gentle as the dew on the leaves and smarter than the phoenix herself, never think less of yourself. Said Shi Wudu

Falling asleep in Shi wudu arms taking off his outer robe he draped it over the sleeping Hua Ying and whispered you will do great things and I will always be watching"

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