The truth about fate

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As Wei-Ying laid on the bed burning with a fever nothing helps, Xie Lian pours the needed amount of spiritual energy into is tiny body as he continuously wipes him with a cool damp cloth, on the verge of tears Hua Cheng walks in after having a brief discussion with Yin Yu, stand beside his husband and looks at the boy, finally having enough he bends down picks up Wei-Ying and cradles him against his chest, Wei-Ying feeling the coolness surrounding his body, he snuggles closer and lets out a small sigh while he barely whispers Daddy. As he said that Hua Cheng's wraith butterflies come out of their own accord and flutter around Wei-Ying not only cooling him down but also through the dust send healing energy and playing a sweet melody that was only ever played at their children's birth that makes a boy smile.

What, what did he just call me? Asked Hua Cheng as he looked at and even more surprised Xie Lian.

Before Xie Lian could even answer a small but clear voice pops up:

My Daddy you are my dad. You are the first person I saw the first time I opened my eyes said Wei-Ying

Xie Lian quickly took a fevered Wei-Ying and placed him back on the bed before he turned to his husband who has just crumbled down in complete shock whispering:

200 years, 200 years we have searched in vain and all this time he as reborn a mortal, looking up at Xie Lian with tears in his eyes. Is he, is he Hua Ying, is he truly our son? He asked as he broke down.

Xie Lian kneeled down before him and embraced him,

I felt it too the first time we met but, I wasn't sure, I am even more sure now but I still do not understand it said Xie Lian

As they stayed like that for a while they were broken out of their revere as Wei-Ying started thrashing on the bed screaming

Daddy...... Mommy...... SAVE ME.... IT'S TOO DARK.... IT HURTS.... Mother...... Father.... DON'T LEAVE ME..... SAVE ME..... THE WOLVES...... THEY WANT ME.... NOT YOU....

They call for my death not yours, please, please don't leave me Wei-Ying crying bitter tears, as the fevered nightmare continue.

The wraith butterflies once again turn to their son on laying on the bed playing the melody, they played for him when he as just born, fluttering their wings to send out the cool ghostly air and their own brand of healing magic.

I know he is my son, my love said Hua Cheng

How so San Lang? Asked Xie Lian

While you were helping our weak little girl, Hua Ying was crying and nothing could stop him until I set the same wraith butterflies free, that is the same melody and the same dance they played for him, I was the first person, he saw when he opened his eyes, I was the first person he gave a gummy smile to, walking up to A-Ying, I do also remember you he said as he kissed Hua Ying brow.

Before Xie Lian could even begin to understand what Hua Cheng just said a knock on the door broke them both out of the trance, Hua Cheng Quickly cleaned his face and once again took his nonchalant expression before saying: Enter, the door opened and a beautiful woman entered with hair as white as snow and her appearance reaching her early twenties but, the power that radiated from her told him that she was centuries old, just behind her Yin Yu entered and bowed.

Thank you, Yin Yu if you could look after A-Ying while we discuss recent events said not even looking back to see if he was obeyed, led the woman and his husband to the table and gesturing for her to sit, before he and his husband sat and placed a silence charm around them as to not bother the sleeping child.

Thank you for coming, Boashan Sanren said Hua Cheng

When one of the kings of the ghost realm calls you do not, not answer the call she said with a smirk

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