He Knows

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9:40 pm, Sunday Night

"Okay? What's up? Is everything alright? It's kind of weird how you randomly called me after no contact at all, Tsukishima. "

Right. What was I thinking, calling him out of nowhere without even a proper greeting?

"Sorry I panicked. Okay, I don't know who I can talk to about this. And surely you're the only person who knows Kageyama well. "

"What? Wait, hold on, why is Kageyama the topic here? Is he alright? Did something happen to him?" He said this in a tense tone.

"Nothing, uhm, listen, this might be out of the blue and shit, but please don't tell him I told you."

"Sure, now spill it."

I told Hinata that Kageyama is currently drunk and he said some words to me. Specifically, when he asked me if I would ever be disappointed in him. I told Hinata that that question confused me, and I would like to know if there was anything going on in his life.

"Well, I can't say much, but this is all I can say to you. Tobio didn't have a good first year of college. It was a very low point in his life. Next is... you're special to him. That would highlight the question he asked you. "

"How would that highlight it?"

"You just have to talk to Tobio about this. I am his best friend, but I have no right to talk about his past without his consent. "

"Okay, thanks for this. See you around-"

"Wait Tsukishima. Just to let you know, I think he likes you. He's been happier lately and I think you're the reason. " Hinata says in a teasing tone.

"Haha, funny joke, I'm hanging up now."

"Fine, if you don't believe me, then you're the idiot! Bye!"

He hung up. Well, he was helpful. I couldn't argue with that. I tossed my phone onto the couch, followed by a sigh. Likes me? There's no way! I mean, at this point, I'm just convincing myself he doesn't.

I actually do notice. I just don't want to assume things. Moving on, I should probably get some sleep. I still have classes tomorrow.

9am, Monday Morning

I woke up feeling like my head had banged into the wall. My body felt heavy and I couldn't remember a thing last night. I sat up and looked around.

Huh? Wait, this isn't my room? I quickly looked for my phone and checked the time, 9:02am. Great, I'm late already. There's no use. I'm calling in a sick day today. Plus, it's my first absence for this semester, so they'll let it slide.

I scanned the room and everything was very neat. Yeah, far from my room. Okay, Tobio, think about it! Last night I went drinking with Tsukishima. I was supposed to stay at my sister's, but in my state that didn't happen.

Tsukishima took me in his car, then we arrived here and he placed me on the bed. Did I fall asleep after that? Fuck, I have no idea what happened after that. no use. I should probably get out of here.

Before I left the room, I saw a sticky note by the nightstand.

"Goodmorning, I've already left for school. I made you some breakfast. It's by the table. Don't forget to lock the door if you're leaving. Meet you again soon :) "

His handwriting is good and he makes cute messages. I find that endearing of him. I smiled and placed the note inside my phone case. I'm keeping this in my drawer for later.

I hurriedly open the bedroom door and head to the table to see if there was food. This is embarrassing. Did I really make him wake up early to do all this? I quickly took a picture to, you know, save memories.

After I ate, I washed up and grabbed my things before I left his apartment. As the door shut behind me, I headed out and decided to text him while I was on the bus.

Nerd 👓

goodmorning! thanks for the food i enjoyed it alot ^^ sorry for being trouble, see u again soon

goodmorning, no problem. don't worry you didn't cause any trouble :))

btw when are you free again?

hm, maybe next saturday T_T i got a busy schedule ahead

no worries, ill be free on that day.

did you remember anything last night?

i only remember you placing me on your bed i think i fell asleep after

okay, well then have a great day got some classes to attend :))

My phone dropped midway while I was texting because the bus suddenly hit the break. I quickly picked up my phone, praying the message wasn't sent.

you too! goodluck <3

Fuck my life. I turned off my phone and shoved it in my pocket. What was I even thinking of putting a heart there? I was about to delete it, but no, the world hates me!

11am, Monday Morning

"you too! goodluck <3"

He's such an idiot. I placed both of my hands on my face while slowly slumping down on my chair. He's so obvious sometimes, but I just have to keep it in. In fact, I feel like I'm going to burst.

Next Saturday, we have a lot to talk about. When I say a lot, I mean it. From the drunk incident to Kageyama's past and our feelings It's a lot to take in for a day, so 2 weeks is enough for me to prepare.

I can't wait to tell him how I really felt. been a burden on me for years, so letting it out might be the best decision of my life or the worst.

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