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10pm, Saturday Night

After eating dinner, Tsukishima drove me home. The car silence felt awkward, but it wasn't uncomfortable. There is more tension from what we did earlier.

"Thanks, see you again, Tsuki-" I was cut off.

"Kei. Call me Kei, and no problem," he said with a soft smile.

I unconsciously reached out for his chin and kissed him tenderly. And he did it back. Before I got out of the car, I glanced at him again and waved bye. He giggled and waved back.

"Bye baby," he said with a smirk.

"S-shut up, don't call me that." I stumbled, then closed the door flustered.

As I got into the apartment, it was surprisingly quiet. I sighed in relief that Shoyo was asleep. I carefully walked to my room, not making a sound. The moment I opened my door, I saw Shoyo on my bed, which made me jump in surprise.

"What the fuck are you doing in my room?!"

"That isn't the point. I have a lot of questions to ask. Firstly, you're home late. I'm usually the one who's late. Next is why are you wearing a different shirt that doesn't look like yours? Also-" Shoyo blabbered but cut I him off.

"Okay, I get it. Shut up! I'll tell you everything just-"

"Damn, did you get railed?" he said while tilting his head in curiousity.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP?" I exclaimed.

I sat next to Shoyo and told him everything. Not everything, of course, just the parts where he needed to know. After I explained it to him, he seemed more happy than me.

"Well fucking finally? I thought the both of you wouldn't come clean with your feelings. "

"You knew?" I questioned while furrowing my eyebrows.

"The whole team did it. It was obvious back then. We just decided not to speak and let you guys know. Well, I guess it took you guys a lot of time. "

I mean, I did assume things before, but I didn't really look too deeply into them. I thought he just started being nice to me because he was an ass in his first year. Well, that explains a lot of things, if I think about it.

Moments later, when Shoyo went back to his room, I was laying in my bed staring at the ceiling. Should I text him? I took my phone from my bag and opened my contacts. I should probably change his name. Maybe something like a nickname?

Let's see, I thought about different names for him; something that isn't common and relates to him. Maybe "Tsushi?" Yeah, that's cute. I'll use that. After changing his name, I decided to text him.

Tsushi !

hey, are you busy?

not busy for you ;) anyways what's up?

sure.. moving on when are you free again?

missing me already? haha

my schedule is a bit full for the next 2 weeks i have debates to attend

ohhh mister lawyer has a packed schedule

im quite busy too for the next weeks i have a thesis to prepare for

then should we set a day to meet?

like a date?

if that's what you want then i'll prepare for it

it's our first after all, i want it to be fun :))

okay! cant wait to see you :D

And the date was set. Me and Kei will have our first date. I can't wait for these weeks to end. I couldn't blame our hectic schedules since it's almost semester break!

( the nickname was inspired from his name Tsukishima, and it sounds like "sushi" wherein in chapter 3 "You Look Happy" Kei mentioned about them going to a sushi place together back in high school and in the next chapters you'll see their backstory on this! )

10:40pm, Saturday Night

I should probably start studying. There is a case I haven't read yet, and it would be bad if I didn't know anything about it on Monday. Before taking out my papers, my phone lit up from a notification. I opened and saw a text "Goodnight btw! Don't stay up too late." Ah, it's from Tobio.

I sighed and covered my face with both my hands, blushing. I was feeling sleepy. Now I'm wide awake. What kind of effect does this guy have on me? I texted him back and stared at my phone for a few seconds.

Should I change his name? It's kinda cheesy to have it "King :/", plus it's been set like this since high school. Now let's think of something original; a cute nickname I could use.

After a few minutes of thinking, I couldn't even make a single one. Oh, screw this. I changed his name and put my phone down. I've wanted to write his name like this since high school. I think my past me wouldn't believe it.

My King :)

a/n: The next chapters (at least 2) will be backstories during their high school days. On how they developed their feelings for each other, and some heated exchanges!

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