e i g h t | s h r e d

Start from the beginning

"Did you guys hear? A student was found unconscious in the computer room this morning." Jazz chirped.

"How come?" Allen asked, surprised he hadn't heard about it yet.

"The school authorities are keeping it pretty hush hush, you know Luthor yeah? My mom's little puppet and favorite grade A student. He is the one. I wonder what he was doing in the computer room so late at night."

"Why do I feel it's the same person?" Jazz visibly gulped.

"Why haven't we gone to the shed yet, Allen?"

"I misplaced the key." Allen sighed, realizing how irresponsible he sounded.

"I guess we're back at square one."

"Which is?"

"Aubrey's dirt journal."

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Cozied up under her navy blue blankets and enjoying the rest of her free day, Jazz sipped apple juice as she read through Aubrey's journal.

There was so much tea in the book.

"You've been staring at that book with wide eyes for hours, don't you have a life?" Felicity's voice boomed through the room.

"Mind your business." Jazz retorted without even looking up from the book.

Felicity obnoxiously exhaled and made a sport of unboxing her package rather loudly. She sure was a pathetic attention seeker. Jazz also began slurping her drink irritatingly loud.

Jazz gave up, "Do you have a problem with me?"

Felicity eyed her and hissed.

Sighing in defeat, Jazz grabbed Aubrey's journal and made to leave her grumpy roommate alone.

"Just so you know, my vinyl player has been fixed and it's coming back tonight, get ready."

"Anything that fixes your attitude is welcome." Jazz retorted and headed out.

She had left her apple juice but she couldn't go back.

With no direction in mind, she just allowed her feet take her. Immediately she stepped into the student yard, she heard someone call her last name.

"Allen!" She turned around sharply.

"Where are you headed?"

"Garden maybe, since it was like Aubrey's favorite place in Bubble."

"Right. Guess what?" Allen's eyes perked up.

"You've found the maniac?" Jazz smiled big.

Allen shook his head with a small smile, "Aubrey is awake."

Blood drained from Jazz's face. "Stop. You better not be messing around."

"How haven't you heard?"

Jazz sighed heavily, her shoulders sagging as they continued in the direction of the school's garden. "Ever wondered why a person like me ended up in a boarding school? Well I'll tell you, my parents don't want responsibility of me, all they care about is expensive vacations, business associates and fancy dinner parties. I guess I get in the way of their activities so boarding school was their best option. During the holidays, I visit my grandparents because my parents don't have my time, writing is a good distraction for me, I forget my little woes. So don't be surprised how I've not gotten a call from home. I doubt my parents even know their niece is– I mean was in a coma."

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