Fine, fine giving up, now listen this might interest you the Laning Jin sect clan's moto is illuminate the world they wear delicately embroided clothes that display the white peony on their chest the crest symbol is sparks, admist, snow, they all have vermillion between their eyes that is to symbolize the openess to wisdom and aspiration said Xie Lian explaining, furthermore no one knows who their founder is but according to history It was a rich merchant and his wife and found their son could cultivate thus sending him to do so and Laning is the only clan/sect that is considered wealthy

So, in other words what mommy is trying to says is a whole flock of Peacocks Hua Ying said as he smiled brightly

While Xie Lian looked as though as he might faint Hua Cheng laughed even harder.

Ok I think that's quite enough for today as he opened an array outside of town taking them back to paradise manor.

Ten, ten years old and in he resembles you more, and more. Watching Hua Ying run off to his uncles Clutching E-Ming in one hand and Rouye around the other.

Is that a bad thing asked Hua Cheng as his laugher dies

No, it is not San lang I am just wondering what part I actually mine.

Now smirking, jealous my love? Askes Hua Cheng

Yes, no, I just look at him and I see you I don't see myself and he only cares for weapons not a lot for books.

When I look at A-Ying I see you in the way he smiles sincerely, when he practices his music or dance I see your grace and I see your heart at how he treats others nicely, he is growing up in both grace and beauty that he gets from us and the Sanren clan he is intellectual which he gets from you and the cunningness and mischievousness from me he gets his intuition and careful observation leading him not to trust was he sees from Baoshan Sanren's side, he lives by a motto that is from both of us Xie Lian I see everyone in him but most importantly he truly gets his temper from you, I just kill what makes me angry he sheds tears and loses control just like you, when he stands he takes on your persona when he thinks or listens he takes on my persona him and I both know he resembles you more but more importantly he is himself and many ways said Hua Cheng while Holding Xie Lian he acts like a fool because it is better to be underestimated than to be undermined explained Hua Cheng

You always know the right thing to say said Xie Lian

Hua Cheng leans in to kiss his husband just as their lips was about to touch...

Really mother, father my eyes Exclaimed Hua Ying

Yes, clearly leans more to you Laughs Xie Lian

Walking towards Hua Ying he picks up the now ten-year-old, and what does my little A-Ying want asked Xie Lian as he boops in on the nose

Giggling well I was outside playing with E-Ming and Rouye and uncle Qu Ming and Uncle Feng Xin came into the gate and said they wanted to speak to you but it's better to speak outside so that if Daddy gets angry, he can't break our house down like the last time.

I did not break the house down only the entrance, Hua Cheng tried to explain your mother has done worse.

Daddy, I believe you that but still breaking is breaking and part of the house is still part of the house, said Hua Ying with a sly smile YIN YU can we please go visit Cuo Cuo and take off your mask you are beautiful without it on and I enjoy seeing your face said Hua Ying

Yes, young master Said Yin Yu

A-Ying or A-Xian Yin Yu please I have asked many times we are friends are we not please call me by my name Hua Ying could be heard heading out

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