Having now a good laugh at both his son and his husband's expense he receives a smack from Xie Lian as he got out from under the covers fixes his robes and walks to A-Ying, your father is just being your father. Come mother has to get ready to go back to the heavenly court but we can have breakfast then your father will take you, when I return mother will take you to see your grandfather. Said Xie Lian while taking his sons hand and leaving his sleeping champers and Hua Cheng who is still laughing on the bed.

As they finally all sat down to have breakfast Hua Ying was playing with his butterflies while eating and telling his father about the day he had with A-Frayre. After saying goodbye to Xie Lian, Hua Cheng and Hua Ying went to the Ghost market.

Walking though the busy streets Hua Cheng and Hua Ying takes in the sounds and Sitting on his father's shoulders he can see everything while walking the notice a commotion.

Let's go see shall we said Hua Cheng smiling at his son, making their way to the commotion Hua Ying can see green goblins that have circled something white and scrawny getting angry he jumps off his father's shoulders and starts running, Hua Cheng who was surprised and also started panicking that his son had just left him started running after him calling his name but stops head when he reached the center and murderous intend, he said smiling.

I need to get there, I need to save him... was all Hua Ying thought without stopping as his anger starts boiling how dare they harm another that's weaker than them and, in a gang, too was his second thought as he stopped reaching the howling, screaming and screeching. Not even thinking about it he lets out an abundance of resentful energy grabbing the green goblins at once raising them in the air and giving them the same punishment as they gave the Fetus Ghoul, walking over to the cowering boy A-Ying sits down and sighs.

You know you use to be me except mine was wolves said Hua Ying shuttering, I think if I deserved to be saved then you also deserve it turning to the goblins Hua Ying narrows his eyes, what gives you the right to pick on the weak and one of your kind, I can understand picking on mortals because for you they are fun and food but what do you get by picking on your own, daddy slaughtered many of you because you picked on my mommy and honestly you deserved it but, what has he done. Dropping the goblins, he said was just get out of my sight the leader of the goblins got up and started going towards Hua Ying, seeing this E-Ming and Hua Cheng started forward but Yin Yu made it first

Dare touch the son of crimson rain sought flower and it will be your last he growled, the crowd hearing what Yin Yu said bowed to the young prince.

Alright now the fun is over, get you gone said Hua Cheng finally making his presence known the crowd then bowed deeper and then went on their way leaving Hua Ying sitting next to the Fetus Ghoul and Yin Yu standing beside them.

Looks like my son has the making of a fine ghost thought Hua Cheng as he took out a memory ball and fed it the recent events before sending it to Xie Lian, he is not going to be happy as Hua Cheng suddenly started laughing

Noticing that he wasn't getting hurt anymore the fetus Ghoul lifts up his head to see a kid smiling brightly at him blinking and rubbing his eyes he realizes this is no kid this is the king's kid, as he looks around, he sees Hua Cheng laughing and Yin Yu standing by Hua Ying's said quickly he scrambled and bowed

You, you saved Cuo Cuo, Cuo Cuo thanks you he says

Cuo Cuo, call my A-Ying or A-Xian doesn't matter we are friends now said A-Ying smiling.

F..Friends, Cuo Cuo has never had a friend before, come, come friend must come meet Cuo Cuo's Mother said Cuo cuo Smiling and taking A-Ying by the hand

Yin Yu and Hua Cheng followed the two children as they rushed through the street to a red building.

Yin Yu have you been keeping a close eye on A-Ying all this time Asked Hua Cheng

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