The truth about fate

Start from the beginning

Seems as though my reputation proceeds me widely laughs Hua Cheng

I actually have something that might belong to you, although I am not sure? He said while taking out the silver clarity bell with the purple tussle and the golden flamed phoenix feather with a silver tussle and two pouches of ashes and passing it to the phoenix queen.

This, this.... where did you find these, she shakenly asked

Yin Yu found them...


Yin Yu, I need two things from you the first is I need you to go look for the bodies of a man and a woman if there is any chance, they are alive bring them to me if they are dead bury them, if their ghosts are there question them then let them move on assure them that their son is safe so it is easier for them to move on, the second is I want information on lotus pier the sect leader and his family the training all of it.

Flashback ends

So, Yin Yu found their bodies but it was surrounded by resentful energy in the bite and claw marks, he had no choice but to burn the bodies before anymore contamination could occur. Then he went to lotus pier because that was the mother's dying wish and I can honestly say that I will not be sending my son there anytime soon the sect's wife is like a rabid dog and her son is just like her while her daughter has a calm and pleasant demeanor like her father, when I saw the Phoenix feather I knew where it belonged but not to who it belonged Explained Hua Cheng

The feather is my daughter's she fell in love with a mortal and decided to stay with him and help him reach any kind of core so that they could be together that was the last I knew of them they were setting out of Yunmeng before going to Gusu Said Boashan Sanren

Your daughter had a son, that son is our son but I just do not know how said Hua Cheng

I might be able to help with that said Xie Lian clearing this throat

In the middle of the table, he opens a communication array but who they saw made Hua Cheng immediately furious.


Well, well this is a surprise, my son and his husband contacting me after 200 years of banishment, what do you want? Said Jun Wu with a smirk

Father, we found him, we found Hua Ying Said Xie Lian

No, no. You weren't supposed to find him it to early the smirk fell off his face and panic sets in.

What do you mean we weren't supposed to find him asked Hua Cheng with a voice full of menace

Flashback 200 years ago

In the three realms a celebration is being held due to both kings finally expanding their own family, in a cocoon two little immortals are growing one a little princess and the other a little prince. Jun Wu is sitting in his room smiling thinking of all the things he can do with his grandchildren when a breeze flutters in spluttering the candles and a woman in white floating as her feet not touching the ground. Her ghostly pale skin could be seen although the woman herself is translucent.

Your majesty said the woman in a sweet voice as the spell takes place to entice the listener, I have come bearing the fates of your grandchildren.

Returning the bow Jun Wu invited the woman inside willing to listen to what she has to say.

The girl will be born and raised in great beauty and grace with a cunning mind to take to task any problem and turn it to her will the boy will suffer three lifetimes of betrayal, a broken heart and back stabbing.

Jun Wu starts panicking upon hearing what his grandson will suffer such a horrible fate.

What can I do to lessen the pain? Jun Wu asks the woman, seeing her now to be fate herself

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