
Prof Goodwitch: "Yes, student, the Forest of Forever Fall is indeed beautiful. But we are not here for sightseeing. Professor Peach has asked all of you to collect samples from the trees deep inside this forest, and I'm here to make sure none of you die while doing so."

It was broad daylight and I and my classmate are now located in Forever Fall, after the event of last night I couldn't stop thinking about how Jaune was doing, you stab the tree with your tool to collect the sap and waited till your jar was full.

After a few moments of silence, I suddenly felt somebody next to me, I turned around and see Blake collecting her sap in the tree next to me, and right now I didn't feel like having a conversation with anyone so I stood there quietly.

Blake: "You've been quiet since this morning, anything you want to talk about?"

Noctis: "Hm..."

Blake: "Come on...We will be here all day so what's on your mind."

I sigh in defeat, so I explain to her about everything that happen last night and as of right now I didn't know what to do in this situation, I never had friends in my childhood and I never knew how to solve this problem, somehow you want to help Jaune and to let him know that he's no alone.

Blake: "Just give him a push. Jaune is somehow lost...He's trying to find the right direction to catch up with his friends who were there all in a different direction than the rest of us...So why not give him the right direction...Sometimes a little push in the right direction can make a difference."

Noctis:  How should I do that?"

Blake: "You're the Greatest Swordsman figure it out."

Noctis: "I will become the Greatest Swordsman, but not the smartest, Blake!"

Blake: "Sorry, that was my payback when you call me a Bookworm." said with a smirked look

She said while I sigh and smiled at Blake.

Noctis: "Thanks, Blake. I knew counting on you would help me."

Blake: "I-It's no problem, Noctis I would be glad to help anytime."

So now I need to find Jaune and talk with him about the situation he's in right now. I got up from where I was sitting and went to find Jaune. At a far distance, Pyrrah notice me leaving my tree and got curious about where I was going.

Mini Timeskip

I was searching for Jaune everywhere and somehow you couldn't find him, I asked some students, but they didn't see him.

Jaune: "No."

I heard Jaune's voice getting me to look toward the course on where it came from.

Noctis: "Jaune?"

I said while getting closer to where that voice came from. Getting closer and closer you stop on a little hillside where you could see Jaune plus Cardin and his group. I slowly crouched down and listened to their conversation.

Jaune: "No." said with a serious look

He said towards Cardin getting him aggravated.

Cardin: "What did you say?"

He said getting closer to Jaune while standing in front of him.

Jaune: "I said...No!"

Jaune grips his jar tightly knowing the fear that binds him. Then he turns and throws the jar at Cardin, instantly recoiling his hands to himself as he looks at Cardin's breastplate covered in sap. Cardin looks at himself and laughs darkly.

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