Volume 1 - Episode 1

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Noctis P.O.V

Now you have been wondering where I am right now. I'm in a dark room with a very angry Huntress looking at me trying to pierce through my soul, while next to me was a teenage girl who was looking around the room wondering if she was in trouble.

Noctis: "Now the question is how I got in this situation you may ask, a well funny thing you ask.


It had been one month since I left and I meet a couple of people some of them were white-haired tsundere older women. Anyway, I was in the City of Vale while reading the map that I had that I brought in I few towns before heading to this one, I'm trying to look for a hotel and all the towns I've been to there had no hotel there. Anyways back where I was, I was trying to read the map while standing beside a Dust Shop named Dust for Dawn, I notice this and I was thinking to get some dust for my travel to be safe If I ever run into trouble.

Noctis: "I hoped I won't get in trouble..."

I entered the Dust Shop and the clerk smiles at me and nodded, I greatly smiled back and continue my shopping, I was scrolling through the items I notice a Red hooded girl wearing a headset while wearing music.

Noctis: "She must be younger than me...So why she's here late at night?"

I turned around towards where the clerk is to ask where the dust is, but then I saw a couple of thugs with the clerk and one guy with a weird hat and a cane. Then the thug notice me and he pointed his gun at my face, I calmly looked through the gun hole and look back toward the thug

Thug: "Alright, Kid. Stay calm and no one gets hurt."

Then he looks at my waist and notices my Wado Ichimonji.

Thug: "Hey, Kid. The nice sword you got there."

Before I could say anything I heard a scream.

Red-Haired Girl: "Heyah!"

I see another thug fly past me and crash toward the guy who was robbing me. Then the guy with a hat noticed this and see's me and the teenage girl who stood beside me.

 Then the guy with a hat noticed this and see's me and the teenage girl who stood beside me

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Hat Guy: "Okay...Well, get them."

Noctis: "Wait?! Me too?! I didn't do anything?!"

The henchmen were rushing toward us, I launch myself toward the left and the Red-Haired Girl toward the right., One of the thugs looks at me and started swinging punches and kicks. Looking at this, his attack was slow.

Noctis: "I have to thank, Raven for this when I see her again."

Then he quickly threw a punch toward my face, but I successfully block it and punch him in the gut making him go down. The Hat Guy notice me and smirked.

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