I love pink roses

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I pace around my room waiting for a response from Kenma, it's 3pm he barley has anytime to get ready!


I turned my head at the speed of light to look at my phone, it was Kenma! I hurry and answer the call.

"Kenma I swear to god-" he quickly cuts me off.

"Baby, I'm so sorry my alarm didn't go off but I'm getting ready the best I can now, please don't worry!" He blurted out sounding out of breath. Part of me feels bad for him, he seems to feel really bad about it. But most of me is annoyed. Very annoyed.

"Okay whatever, you better be here on time." I huff, rolling my eyes.

"I will trust me, I love you and I'll see you soon."

"I love you t-" he hung up before I could finish...at least I know he's hurrying.

Kenma's POV

It's now 4:00 pm, that means I have about 1o minuets to finish getting ready.

"I think I'm done..." I say sitting down with a sigh, I glance down and notice something missing.

"Fuck, my shirt!" I get up quickly, now remembering the shirt I set aside to straighten. I hurry up and get the shirt straightened and on my body. By the time I was done the 10 minutes were up. I quickly hustle out the house and start the 45 minute drive to f/n's house.
Around 5 minutes into the drive, I start having a strong feeling I'm missing something.

"Oh shit, the flowers!" I figured I would just turn around and speed back home to get them. I did just that and I was back on the road in no time. I was a little behind schedule now, but I could still make it in time if there was no traffic problems.


It's now 4:50 and I'm 15 minutes away, my hands shaking knowing I would be a little late. I had one fucking job, do not be late, and now I'm gonna be late.

'Maybe the flowers would make up for it.' I think to myself.

Your POV

It's now 5:05 and my moms already bitching about it,

"He's late, you know." She says matter-of-factly.

"Yes mom, I know." I reply, "you said it like 100 times..." I say under my breath.

"What was that?"



"That must be him!" I say as I hurry to the door, I open it to see my boyfriend standing there with pink roses. 'I love pink roses.'

"Hey baby, I'm sorry for being late I-" he stops and looks behind me.

"Oh-! You must be Kenma, please come in!" I hear my mom say from behind, I smile and move out the way. He walks in a little awkwardly but soon introduces himself.

"It's nice to finally meet you, I'm Kenma, f/n's boyfriend." He bows and my mom seems quite pleased, I giggle a little knowing he probably practiced that.

"Ah yes, I've heard a lot about you. Oooo~ and look at those pretty flowers, you know my daughter well!" She says with a warm smile.

"Oh," he paused and turned to me, "these are for you." He gives me the lovely flowers and I instantly stuff my face into them.

"Thank you, Kenma." I say with a smile, he smiles back looking relieved.

"Well," my mom started, "even though you're late, the dinner isn't quite ready yet. So, I guess we're both late in a way." She laughs making us both let out small chuckles.

"I'm sorry about that, I had a late start." Kenma says looking down.

"Don't feel too bad about it, you can help cook!" My mom insisted.

"Oh- um, I'm really not good at-"

"I don't wanna hear it, there's a good cook in everyone! Now come on, I need some help with the sauce." Kenma smiled and follows my mom into the kitchen, I follow behind them listening to their conversations.

"So, what do you do for work?" My mom asks chopping up onions.

"Uh- well, I'm a content creator." He said sheepishly. I know this is a touchy subject for him and my heart hurts watching him start to fidget over it.

"Oh! So like f/n?"

"Y-yeah," he looks back at me and smiles, "like


Dinner is ready and me and Kenma set the table.

"Do you think she likes me?" He asks me, setting a bowl down.

I look at him and laugh, "Do I think? I know she does." He looks at me looking quite surprised. I turn to him and put both my hands on his cheeks.

"You did really well, Kenma. Don't be so hard on yourself, okay?" He nods his head and I give him a small peck on his lips before setting down the last utensil.

"Mom! The table is set!"


"Thank you for having me." Kenma says.

"You aren't leaving are you?" My mom questions, I was thinking the same thing.


"No," I start, "you can stay." I look up at him hoping he would give in.

"Okay, I'll stay." He looks down at me and smiles.

"Yes, yes! I still have a lot of questions for you," my mom states, "you can't leave just yet." She laughs. I sigh knowing my boyfriend isn't gonna catch a break from her for a while.


My mom finally went to sleep around 10 and me and Kenma started playing Roblox in my room. Childish I know, but we both haven't played it in years, it was a little nostalgia break.

"They changed Roblox so much!" I claim laying on Kenmas stomach with my phone lighting up my face.

"Yeah they have," he agreed, I feel his hand start to rub my back and the back of my neck. That always puts me to sleep. I check the time and it's 1am. 'Its a good time to go to bed.' I think to myself. I turn off my phone, and position myself so I'm fully laying down on top of Kenma with my head on his chest.

"Is it your bed time?" He jokes, I nod my head playing along with it. He turns off his phone and puts it on my bedside table. I feel a kiss get planted on the top of my head.

"You did so well today, I'm proud of you." I say feeling myself fall asleep.

Kenma's POV

"You did so well today, I'm proud of you." F/n says with her eye closed, I felt my heart jump. I love it when she compliments me.

"Thank you, my love." I didn't get a response, she was already asleep.

A/n: Guys, it's been MONTHS. I haven't had the motivation to write so I decided to wait until my summer break started, and then wait a few mor weeks lol. BUT, I'm back now and hopefully y'all didn't give up on me and will still read this haha! Enjoy.

I love you more than games - KenmaxFem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now