She kinda wants to meet you

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(Part 2 to the last chapter)

3rd person POV (I think)

As you were just listening to him rage from time-to-time, and talk to his friends, you got kinda bored. Kenma started to get pretty frustrated, the only thing keeping him sane was your gentle breathing on his neck. But you noticed that he was really tense, so you started leaving little kisses on his neck. Kenma moved his head to the side, giving you more room to work with. Kenma started to not do so well in the game he was playing.

"Kenma what the fuck are you doing?!" One of his teammates screamed at him.

"O-Oh sorry..." Kenma quickly muted his mic.

"F/n, what are you doing?" He asked, his eyes still focused on the game.

"Kissing you?" You said looking at him, Kenma unmuted his mic.

"Uh, I have to go, I'll play later." He takes off his headset and immediately starts kissing you back. Kenma puts his hands on your waist, pulling you closer to him, and you both smiled into the passionate kiss.

Kenma's POV

'She's a good kisser...' I thought to myself. We get interrupted by distant knocking on the front door.

"I feel like this happened before," F/n said giggling. I ignore it and start kissing her again, but the knocking continued.

"You might wanna go answer that." I sighed as she got off my lap, I walked to the front door to see who was knocking. Once I got to the front door, I looked through the peephole to see...

'Mom?! She didn't tell me she was coming...' I opened the door to see her stern face.

"Um...hey mom. You didn't tell me you were coming." I stated, trying not to seem rude in any way. Then I remembered...'Shit! I didn't tell her I was dating someone, fuck! Wait, I shouldn't have to, I'm an adult...' I mentally curse. I see her eyes wander off behind me.

"Hello Kenma, I see you haven't done much with the place since we last saw each other." She stated with a displeased look on her face.

"Well, I've been busy," I replied feeling more and more uncomfortable with every breath.

"With what? It's not like you have a real job." She exclaims. My mom was never happy about me dropping out of college to become a full-time streamer/YouTuber. She always said it "Wasn't a real job" and that "I Wouldn't be able to make a living off of playing games", and so many other things. So I guess now she's salty that I'm actually doing extremely well.

"Did you just come here to complain? Because if that's the case you can le-" I get cut off by a voice from behind me.

"Kenma, who was at the door-" I quickly turn my head around to see F/n standing there looking confused.

"Oh! Sorry, I didn't know you were talking to someone...I'll just leave now heh." F/n quickly scurries away.

"Who was that?" My mom asked.

"Oh, uh, that was my girlfriend." I see her eyes widen.

"You didn't tell me you had a girlfriend!" She said enthusiastically. 'She's...happy about this?'

"I guess I just forgot," I say rubbing the back of my neck.

"I have to meet her! Can you introduce me to her?" She asks basically shaking with excitement.

"Yeah, uh wait in the living room, I'll go get her."

Your POV

I sit in Kenma's room, waiting for him to get back. 'I wonder who that was...she looked a lot older than him.' I think to myself. I hear the door creak open, reviling Kenma standing in the doorway.

"Oh hey, who was that?" I ask.

"Uh...about that, that was my mom and she kinda wants to meet you. Like right now." He replies looking at the ground.

"She, WHAT? I-I'm not ready, what if she doesn't like me??? Wha-What if-" My worries get cut off by soft lips on mine.

"You'll be fine, I'm pretty sure she'll like you. I mean, who wouldn't?" His calm voice, and reassuring words, instantly calming me down.

"Ok, ok... let's go I guess." I get up and follow Kenma, to the living room. My anxiety getting worse with every step I take. 'F/n, if you mess this up I swear to god-' My thoughts get cut off by Kenma's voice.

"F/n this is my mom, Mom this is F/n, my girlfriend." He said gesturing towards her.

"N-Nice to meet you, Kozume-San." I said bowing.

"Nice to meet you too! So, how long have you two been dating?" Kozume-San asked. 'Wow getting straight to the point.'

"Well, we've known each other for a few months, but we just recently started dating," I replied. She smiled while nodding her head. We ended up talking about our families for a little while, then she asked the one question I've been trying to think of ways to answer.

"So, what do you do for a living?" I look over at Kenma, then looked back at his mom.

"Well, I'm actually a-"

"Wow! Uh, look at the time! Remember we have that thing to do, and uh...we're about to be late. So, it was nice seeing you mom, and come back soon ok?" Kenma said leading his mom out the door.

"Wait but-" Before she could finish, Kenma closed the door in her face, and let out a loud sigh with his back against the door.

"What the fuck was that about?" I ack scrunching my eyebrows.

"Oh, my mom doesn't really like the idea of having that kind of at all. So, I didn't want her to start going on and on about how it's not a real job, and shit like that. Sorry, I guess I forgot to mention that..." Kenma said looking a little disappointed.

"I see, well I'll have to tell her eventually," I started walking towards him.

"I know, but it doesn't have to be now." He looks up at the ceiling. 'I wonder what happened to him when she found out...'

A/n: Here's a chapter for you guys! It took a while but it's finally here, god school has been a BITCH. Thank you all for being patient with me <3

I love you more than games - KenmaxFem!ReaderOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz