Lets talk

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(1 month later)

"Hey baby, can you get off the game now? It's been 3 hours and-"

"Ok ok, just give me 10 minutes chill." Kenma spat.

"Alright..." You said walking out of the room. He's been doing this lately, he invites you over then forgets about your existence. He doesn't even invite you to play with him, and when you ask he's really passive-aggressive about it. It's always "10 more minutes" or "I haven't even been on that long" like a child. So you just end up sitting on his bed waiting for him, or playing games on your switch. To say the least, you're fucking sick of it.

'If he doesn't come in 10 minutes I'm leaving.' You set a timer on your phone and wait like usual.

The timer went off, You even hit snooze but no sign of Kenma.

"I'm leaving." You say peeking your head in his gaming room.

"Why?" He asked not even looking at you.

"You obviously don't care that I'm here so I'm just gonna leave." You walk away grabbing your bag and some other things you brought.

"Shit, Uh I'm gonna have to get off," Kenma says turning off his council.

"Wait, did I do something wrong?" Kenma asks running up to you.

"Really? You don't realize it?" He just stares at you cluelessly.

"Since I have to spell it out for you, you invite me over then don't even spend time with me."

"But-" You quickly cut him off.

"Can you just let me talk? I need attention too, and you playing COD the whole time I'm here is not giving me any. You don't even invite me to play with you as you used to...am I doing something wrong? If you don't want to be with me anymore just say that." You stand there in front of him, trying your best to hold back tears making your throat hurt.

"F/n no I- I'm sorry...I didn't know I was neglecting you. It's just been hard, and I guess I...just forgot?" Kenma uttered out. 'Forgot?'  You thought to yourself.

"You forgot about me? That's exactly what I wanted to hear." You scoffed sarcastically. At this point you were tired and annoyed, you didn't want to be there anymore. So you walked out of the door, to your car.

"F/n wait! I'm...sorry." Kenma apologized his words fading towards the end.

"You fucked up Kenma, you always fuck up." He cursed to himself.


It's been 3 days since your fight with Kenma, and you haven't been playing games as much because you lost motivation. You and Kenma haven't talked at all, both so stubborn. This is until you get a text from someone unexpected.

Your POV

*Ding* I look at my phone to see-

"Kurro? Why is he texting me?" I was shocked since we only ever talked a few times.

Kurro: Hey, what's up with Kenma?

You: Oh, idk

Kurro: So you do know...please fix him, he's not acting like himself at all.
Did you guys fight or something?

You: It's really none of your business, but yes. We did.

Kurro: I see, I've never seen Kenma this torn up over someone before. He must really care about you.

You: Yeah, I guess you could say that. I have to go.

I turn off my phone and let out a large sigh.

"Oh Kenma, what am I gonna do with you?" I pick up my phone and shoot Kenma a quick, "I'm coming over".  Then get my stuff and head out the door.


'I can't believe I'm doing this...' I think to myself, getting more and more nervous with each step I take getting closer to his front door. I raise my hand hesitantly, then knock on the door. I hear foot stops come from inside the house leading closer to me. I see the door swing open revealing Kenma, he looked more tired than usual. His eyes are puffy and dark.

"Hey..." I speak up breaking the silence.

"Uh, hey." Kenma moved out of the way, letting me walk in.

"Ok...let's talk."

A/n: Sorry this chapter was so short but I wanted to end it on a cliffhanger. Wow, a double upload! I had to write this chapter while I still had motivation lmao

I love you more than games - KenmaxFem!ReaderOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant