She's not right for you

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I haven't seen or even made a video with Kenma in a week, I miss him a lot. But it's also a good thing! The amount of hate I was getting went down a bit. It was kinda getting to me, so it was nice to have a break.

"Hello, guys!" I said so the stream.

"What do y'all want me to play today?" I look at the chat, hoping to find an answer and- 'Why is everyone asking about Kenma?'

"Guys, this isn't Kenma's channel!" I laugh, but all I saw in the chat was Kenma this, Kodzuken that. It was starting to get on my nerves.

"Fine, I'll pick a game then," I say to myself, I ended up not looking at the chat for almost the whole stream. I knew I got a lot of followers from Kenma but...I didn't think they only watched me for Kenma.

"Alright guys, I think I'm gonna end the stream! I might go live later today but I don't know, bye!" Once I ended the stream, I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. *Ding* I look at my phone to see what the name notification was.

Kodzuken Is Live!

"Oh." I switched to my alt account to join because I didn't want him to think I was stalking him or something. Maybe I'm just overthinking it though.

"Hey, guys." Kenma said with a yawn, 'Cute.' I thought to myself. He ended up playing Minecraft, it was a really peaceful stream for someone who rages a lot. I left the stream early because I wasn't really planning to stay in there long. I lay down on my bed, scrolling through TikTok like usual.


I was making some instant ramen when I heard a loud knocking on my door.

"Who the hell..." I walk up to the door and look through the little peephole to see Kenma. 'He didn't tell me he was coming over.' I looked again just to make sure it was him, it was...but he had a dim look on his face. I opened the door to greet him.

"Hey, baby! You didn't tell me-" Before I could even finish my sentence, he practically collapsed in my arms, hugging me tightly.

"Hey...are you ok?" I ask rubbing his back, soon after I feel him shake his head no.

"Ok, let's go inside." He gets off of me and I lead him to the couch, I sit down and so does he.

"So, what's wrong?" I questioned, he was quiet for a few seconds but responded.

"Well, remember how I told you my mom doesn't like the idea of not having a...traditional job?" Kenma replies with a shaky voice.

"Yeah...I remember." I see him start to slowly break down, making my heartache.

"She- She somehow found out you were a content creator, and completely went crazy. Saying shit like, 'She's not right for you' and a lot of other cruel shit. Why does she have to be so fucking..." Seeing him hurt this much was killing me.

"Wow...I'm so sorry she reacted like that. I don't need her validation, so it's ok-"

"No, it's not. She's been doing this to me for years, I don't want her to start harassing you." He frowns, I scoot closer to him and lay my head on his shoulder.

"I get hated on by thousands of people every day, what's one more? I promise I'll be ok." I reassure with a warming smile. But in reality, I was disappointed...I wanted her to like me. But if there's anything I learned from this job is that you can't please everyone. Kenma stayed quiet.

"Hey, how about we watch a movie, play a game, or watch a TV show. Whatever you want to do." I say caressing his cheek with my hand.

"Can we watch a movie?" Kenma asked tilting his head up.

"Of course baby!" I grab the remote and start scrolling through Netflix trying to find something to watch.

"Finally," I say after we agree on something to watch...I've been scrolling for at least 20 minutes at this point. We get into a comfortable position where his head was laying on my chest, and I was playing with his hair.


"That was a good movie-" I stop, realizing he was out like a light. I smile and decide to take a nap as well.

"Goodnight Kenma..."

A/n: Thank you all for being so patient with me! Times have been really tough sadly but hopefully, things will turn up. I have an idea about another chapter so that should be out soon <3

I love you more than games - KenmaxFem!ReaderTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon