┊15. I hate you

Start from the beginning

"Fine. Do what you want." I say, storming off to my room. I need a fucking drink.

I open my closet and reach for a baseball hat and a pair of sunglasses. I put them on before gently opening my window and climbing out.

Time to get wasted.


I'm at least-a lot of drinks in. I lost count a while ago.

"Hey Lee," a brunette says, seditiously. "Hey?" I question. Looking her up and down she looks familiar; really familiar. "Who are you?" I question.

"You really must be drunk, it's Sammy." Ew. I must have been looking at her confused because she keeps talking. "You're girlfriend..."

"No you aren't." She isn't...right?

"Leo... come on let's get you home." Leo.

"Nope. My rides over... there!" I say pointing at a random group of guys. "Bye Savannah!" I slur, stumbling out of the bar and over to my car.

I fumble with the keys, struggling to put them in the ignition. Once I manage to, I put the car in drive a drive off.

 Once I manage to, I put the car in drive a drive off

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"Good luck!" I say as Jayden shuts the door. Apparently Leonardo "went rogue" and ran away. I honestly don't see why everyone's so worried; he is an adult. He could leave whenever he wanted to.


I'm just shutting my diary when I hear a loud bang on my balcony door. This is why I have pepper spray.

I walk over to the door, pepper spray in hand, and slide open my curtains.

A frown falls on my face when it's only Leonardo at the door. I could still pepper spray him... His hair is a mess, along with the rest of him. I shake my head as I slide open the door, letting him walk in.


"You're still using that stupid nickname?" I asks as he trips onto my bed. Fuckers tripping on air.

He looks at me with a pout, "you're not stupid." Huh? "I never said I was..."

"But you said Bella was stupid and you're Bella." He nods. Is he drunk or high? Might be a mixture of both if I'm being honest. "I'm not stupid. Cool. People are out looking for you ya know?" I ask. He lives next door why did he come here?

"You're not." He states. "Obviously," "Why not? I'm a very popular person, you could get millions for finding me!" Leonardo slurs. "You do you bud. Go away, you live next door."

"But I wanna stay here!" He whines. Fuckers acting like a two-year-old over here. "Fine stay here. It's been a long day, I can't argue with you." I say walking out of my room.

When I walk into the kitchen I look over at the oven clock.

2:57 a.m

Who knew I could spend 5 hours listening to music and re-organizing my closet. That's a new stress reliever of mine; re-organizing things. I've cleaned out the spice cabinet several times over the past week. It was very much needed by the way.

I wonder how many times the paprika from 2012 was used past it's expiration date.

Probably a lot.

"Bella!" Leonardo says walking into the kitchen with only his pair of black sweatpants on and my throw blanket wrapped around his shoulders. His abs are perfectly displayed, the dim moonlight hitting them perfectly despite the blanket slightly covering them.

I don't even notice my staring until he speaks up, "My eyes are up here." He says pointing to his messy hair. "That's your hair..." I look at him confused. "General direction," he nods. Ok, sure.

"What do you need now?" I ask dismissing his stupidity. "It's cold in your room." He pouts. "Get under the covers." I say opening the fridge. "It's still cold." "Okay... sleep on the couch then."

"What if someone comes home?"

"Then they'll tell you the same thing I said; Go. Home." He's quite a minute before he speaks up again, "my mom hates me."

My breath comes to a halt as the memory's that I've been avoiding for years come back.

"I hate you! You're ruining my marriage you bitch!"

"Always taking your dad away from me you cunt!"


"Lets go back to my room." I say softly.

**✿❀ ❀✿**
Chapter: 15
Words: 1111
posted:7/20/22 3:01 pm

**✿❀ ❀✿**Chapter: 15 Words: 1111posted:7/20/22  3:01 pm

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Izzy>>>>>>>> Sammy🤮

We got a peak into Izzy's past. How do we feel about her mom now? Personally I hate her 💋

I honestly expected my break to be longer but a week was all I needed.

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Instagram: 1800.feelings and izzy_eastwood1

Thank you so much for giving my story a shot!

Thank you so much for giving my story a shot!

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