Chapter 5: Percy POV

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I left the cabin on Montauk and made my way towards the beach. I sighed in relief as the waves washed over my bare feet and cool sea wind blew across my face. I started to wade into the water when a voice from behind me spoke.

"Hey, kid!"

I turned, annoyance twisting my features. "What?"

"Come here." Said the flying red and gold tin can. I decided that's what I would call him. Tin Can.

"Uh, no?"

A living American flag visibly sighed and shot an annoyed glance at Tin Can. I decided I liked him, and that I would call him Spangles.

"Look, kid, we just need to ask you a few questions."

I blew out my breath, coming to a rather stupid decision. "Fine."

Right as I stepped out of the water, a person dropped from the sky. Lightning crackled across their features. He held a large hammer, which glowed with energy.

"Why are you detaining the mighty Perseus Jackson?!" Anger and wonder clashed in his eyes, and he glanced back at me.


"Hold on, you know him?" Tin Can waved his hands in confusion.

"Yeah, he's a distant uncle of my friend Magnus. By the way, how's Magnus doing?"

"Wonderful! His training with the other enherji is going great!" Thor's eyes lit up at the mention of his nephew.

"Enher- what?" His fave was covered, but I could practically feel the confusion radiating off of Tin Can.

"Guys, focus. We don't want this to get difficult, but we will detain you, and we will use force if necessary." Spangles brought us back to the issue at hand.

I laughed out loud.

Apparently, this offended Tin Can. "Alright, chit chat's over." He shot a repulsor beam at me, and I barely dove out of the way in time.

I rolled and popped back up next to Spangles. "Hi," I kicked him in the chest, causing him to stumble backwards. He grabbed his shield from his back and tossed it at me.

"Uh, Mr. America, that's not how you use a shield," I said as I caught it. Still, I threw it at Tin Can, knocking him from the sky.

Spangles ran at me, kicking out his leg. I grabbed it and flipped him over. At the same time, Tin Can blasted more beams at me, which I had to dodge. Thor was doing the opposite of what he was supposed to be, and stood there watching in amazement.

I kicked Spangles in the head to knock him out, then ran at Tin Can. I kicked his feet out from under him and did the same as Spangles, knocking him out cold. Thor grimaced.

"Perseus, you need to run. The quinjet is coming." As he spoke, the roar of said jet almost made me go deaf. It landed, making sand fly everywhere. Two people ran out of the jet, one red head woman and a guy with spiky brown hair and a bow.

The guy ran over to the two unconscious bodies on the ground. "Are they dead?" He demanded.

"Dude, I don't kill people," I immediately regretted what I said, but didn't show it. "They're fine, they'll wake up with a splash of cold water to the face."

The red head turned to me. "We need you to come with us."

"Yeah, I got that much from these two's terrible speeches." I pointed towards the bodies laying on the ground.

The red head almost laughed, then pulled a gun from a holster. From what I gathered, it was loaded and not on safety. I raised my hands in the air, slowly stepping forward.

I kicked up, almost knocking the gun out of her hand, but she sidestepped and shot me in the leg. I crumpled to the ground.

"Zeus' beard!" I said under my breath through gritted teeth.

Spiky hair dude pulled my arms behind me and handcuffed me, only after suffering a punch in the gut. He picked me up, jostling my leg. I sucked in a sharp breath.

"Sorry kid," he huffed.

He sat me down a few seats over from a girl with brown hair and angry brown eyes. She had a contraption over her mouth that kept her from being able to speak. She met my eyes and glared.

"Uh... what happened to her?"

"She wouldn't stop yelling and cursing at us," said the redhead.

Behind her came Thor, carrying the two unconscious people.

Why couldn't I catch a break?

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