Chapter 4: Max POV

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I headed into the burger joint on the corner, suddenly craving fast food. The bell jingled and I flinched, but otherwise didn't show that it bothered me.

As soon as I'd payed with money that I may or may not have stolen and gotten my food, I sat down and observed my surroundings. Two people at an outside table kept glancing at me, so I ate quickly and left, heading towards the nearest park.

I hid in a tree and watched as the same people walked down the path. They repeated glanced around. To anyone else, it would seem as if they were enjoying the nice weather, but to me, I knew they were looking for me. I silently jumped to the ground and snuck up behind them.

"Why are you following me?" I demanded.

The red-headed woman turned to me. "What? We were just walking."

"I saw you watching me in the restaurant." I persisted.

The man with spiky brown hair sighed. "Look, kid. We have orders to detain you. We just need to ask you a few questions."

I stiffened. "No." I bolted, running between trees that only someone as agile as me could make it through at that speed. My arms pumped by my sides and my legs crashed through the underbrush.

Apparently, the woman was well trained, as she kept up with me, and eventually tackled me to the ground. I rolled to get on top of her, but she used that momentum to continue the roll and get back on top. I punched her in the jaw and kneed her in the gut, hard.

She winced and loosened her hold on me. I threw her off me and kept running, panic setting in internally.

An arrow came out of a tree, and I guessed it was the man. The woman had recovered and came running towards us. I glanced at the arrow, which was anchored under my skin.

Bracing myself, I yanked it out. I immediately started bleeding, which I was annoyed at as this was a new hoodie.

The man jumped from his perch in the tree and came skidding to a halt next to me. The woman slowed her approach.

"Shit!" The man cursed under his breath. "Did you have to pull that out?"

"No. But I did." I retorted.

He sighed, grabbing a large gauze pad and medical tape out of a small pouch attached to his belt. I scrambled away from him, which jolted my shoulder and made me wince.

"Don't touch me."

"You're gonna loose too much blood, let me help."


The woman sighed, probably wondering why she ever started working for anyone.

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