Chapter 3: Natasha POV

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Clint and I sat outside the burger joint, waiting for the girl to exit. We were seated at an outdoor table, talking about a TV show so as not to be suspicious. Every now and then, one of us would glance around and see what she was doing.

We noticed her stiff posture and the way her eyes darted. She sat at the table nearest an exit and started eating, very quickly. When she finished, she threw away her trash and walked briskly out the door. We tracked her until she turned into a park, then got up and followed.

We strolled around the park, chatting and glancing around. A voice behind us spoke.

"Why are you following me?"

I turned. There was the girl, Maximum. "What? We were just walking."

"I saw you watching me at the restaurant."

Clint sighed. "Look kid, we have orders to detain you. We just need to ask you a few questions."

She stiffened. "No." And with that, she took of running. She was very fast, but I was faster. I tackled her to the ground. She rolled to get on top of me, but I went with the momentum and rolled again.

Clint came up behind us, standing in a ready pose in case she tried to run again. She threw a hard punch at my face and my head snapped back. I saw stars. She took this as an opportunity to knee me in the gut.

I winced, attempting to see past my spotted vision in vain. She threw me off her and took off running again.

This time, Clint followed her. She darted between trees, expertly maneuvering. Clint quickly climbed into a tree and aimed a tranquilizer arrow at her. It hit her in the shoulder and she fell to her knees.

She craned her head around, glancing at the arrow before bracing herself and yanking the arrow out.

By now, I'd recovered and was running towards them. Clint jumped down and ran towards her.

"Shit!" He cursed under his breath. "Did you have to pull that out?"

"No. But I did."

He sighed, grabbing a large gauze pad and medical tape out of his medkit and reached towards her. She scrambled out of his reach, her face scrunching in pain at the sudden motion.

"Don't touch me."

"You're gonna loose too much blood, let me help."


I sighed. This was gonna be a long day.

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