Chapter 2: Steve POV

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I walked briskly down the hall, towards the designated meeting room for the Avengers. Fury had called an urgent meeting about to files he'd found while going through them in hopes of finding potential threats.

I swung open the door, to find Bruce, Nat, and Clint already here. Of course, Tony was late, and Thor was probably on Asgard with godly business.

I sat down neatly next to Banner and waited. As if on cue, Thor fell into the room with Tony strolling in whistling, stepping over Thor's body in the doorway.

Thor scrambled to his feet and shot Tony a glare before sitting next to Nat. Unfortunately for me, Tony chose the open seat next to me.

"Okay, team. We have two potential threats I need detained. Use force if necessary." He slid two suspiciously thin files down the table. I picked up one of them and Nat grabbed the other.

Name: Maximum Ride

Age: Estimated 16

DoB: Unknown

Details: shoulder length brown hair, brown eyes, 5' 8", 110 lbs

Family: Valencia Martinez, mother (deceased)
Ella Martinez, sister (deceased)

Incidents: spotted near several large explosions, seen battling unidentified creatures all across the states, gone missing for extended periods of time, caught stealing from various stores, caught defacing public property, traveling with five to six other minors with no travel records

This was probably the shortest file I'd ever seen, and judging by Fury's reaction, the same went for him. I passed it to everyone on my side of the table, and Nat did the same with hers. When we'd finished, we swapped.

Name: Perseus Jackson

Age: 17

DoB: August 18, 1993

Details: black hair, green eyes, 6' 1", 160 lbs

Family: Sally Jackson-Blofis, mother (missing)
Paul Blofis, step-father (missing)
Gabe Ugliano, step-father (missing,
presumed dead)
Estelle Blofis, sister

Incidents: blew up a school bus with a revolutionary war canon while on a field trip to the Saratoga battlefield, dunked class in a shark tank at SeaWorld, blew up and fell from the St. Louis Arch, blew up a city bus, seen traveling across the country with two other minors, allegedly kidnapped mother, later cleared of charges as he was kidnapped along with two previously stated minors, got in a gun fight with kidnapper, seen with crowds of other minors during the slumber of Manhattan, disappeared for nine months, later seen in various places including Greece, Rome, and San Francisco, seen fighting various unidentifiable creatures, disappears to a non-existent summer camp every summer

Excuse my language, but holy shit. The second file was worse than the other, but they were still both shocking.

"You're going to split up in teams of two. Barton, Romanoff, you go after the girl. Stark, Rogers, go after the boy. Bruce will transport your teams to where you need to go, and if Thor gets back before the mission he will go with Stark."

"Uh oh..." I sighed. Tony and Thor in the same jet prone to getting struck by lightning over a poptart? Bound to go wrong.

We were dismissed and we headed to our rooms to get suited up. Of course, Tony being Tony, he "swaggered", as he calls it, down the hallway as his suit pieced together around him.

I rolled my eyes. Leave it to him to take any chance to brag.

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