Fortunately, Deku managed to form a cross arm block in an attempt to deflect the attack however, this was not enough to completely block Kirishima as he was sent back in a great distance because of the impact only stopping when he hit a nearby building. 

"Sorry for that man

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"Sorry for that man." Kirishima apologized as he saw Deku colliding with the concrete wall causing him to fall to his knees upon impact.


Meanwhile, at the observation deck the siblings continue to watch the battle accompanied by All Might since Mei had to go to the infirmary to talk to Iida about his destroyed hero suit. "Nissan, will they be okay? Daddy looks injured." Reiko asked worried about her parents. "Don't worry Rei, Dad is very strong and so is Mom... they'll win for sure." Hiroaki assured. 'However, with Aunt Camie and Aunt Mina working together, Mom will surely have a hard time. The same with Uncle Kiri and Uncle Katsuki... they are unstoppable in tandem... they aren't giving Dad enough time to think...' He thought. "You take after your father Young Hiroaki... You even got his tendency to overthink." All Might remarked while chuckling. "Uhmmm thanks Grandpa?" "HAHAHAHA still not used to calling me that..." The retired hero laughed. "Anyway, your parents seemed to be struggling with the fight..." "I think they're attacking continuously so dad wouldn't have time to make a plan." "Indeed... very perceptive Young Hiroaki... Young Bakugo especially... he's not even holding back."


Uravity vs MaboroCamie and Pinky

After performing her zero satellite attack, Uravity ran away from the opposite direction of where she threw the rubbles stopping at an alley to take a breath. '*sigh* I need to get back with Deku... I can't fight two people at once! Especially if it's against Mina... I wouldn't be able to use my quirk on her.' She thought. "Where could Deku be?" She asked herself, that is when she heard a voice calling her... "Uraraka!" "Huh? Deku?" She tries to find the direction of the voice and saw a pretty banged up Midoriya running towards her. "Deku! are you okay what happened?" "I'm alright... Kaachan and Kirishima really got me pretty bad... I got away though."

She was about to approach him when suddenly, she heard a huge explosion coming from the south of the battlefield. "That has to be Bakugo's quirk..." 'Wait that means...' Her eyes widened as Deku suddenly turned to smoke revealing Camie using her quirk.

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