chapter 6: book nerd

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I thought to use it on myself but then again i don’t want my mom barging in to find me bleeding .

 So usually when I feel my mother's or father’ s chakra near my room I hide it under the various children's books that mom bought for me. 

At first I was worried that they might notice the missing books and scrolls but after a few days I confirmed that they didn't.

It's probably because they are not that important since they were basics and because we had a lot of them so it wasn't noticeable as long as I took a small amount and put them back in place after I finished and got new ones.

 Another thing that  I have noticed about me is that  I oddly looked so much  like Katara from the Avatar series, which gave me a wild and unique idea i wonder if i can use water bending that will be quitely impossible since we  in the naruto universe not the avatar ones , but anyway this gave me ideas on jutsu for the future 

I started thinking about theories and principles I can use to be able to use the same powers as her. 

Unfortunately, I still didn't make any progress.

I'm starting to think it won't work but hey, I should keep trying until I'm satisfied and until I have finished all the theories possible.

And another important task I should start  learning about is fuinjutsu  since it’s the hardest one and it needs a lot of time to master. it is better to  start early, my parents don't have scrolls or books on it. so i will put my hope in finding it in the public library of Konoha , iwill try to convince them to bring me there .


" Aiko-chan, hurry up papa is waiting for you "  Tomoko's  voice echoed through the house as Aiko stepped out of her bedroom with her hair still in a messy braid. She walked towards the living room , where her father was  waiting for her.

yesterday he promised to bring her to the local library. She's been excited ever since, after all, she finished all the books and scrolls in her house and she wants to start learning 


She took his hand and walked alongside him.

When the two went outside on their way to the library located in the center of the village. she couldn't help but look in awe at her surroundings. It's like she is in the Edo era yet not all the shops and stalls are made from wood and stone, all with a few different designs on them, kids running around playing with their ball and civilians chatting with each.

she even saw ninja and some genin teams jumping from roof to roof doing their missions, It was lively.

She couldn't help but smile when an old woman walked by with a basket full of flowers in hand and waving at her ,she returned the gesture too with a smile  , she also spotted the infamous mountain where  the face of  previous ‘s hokages were craved clearly stating where she was .

When they finally arrived at the entrance of the library, she looked so surprised and excited.her eyes almost falling off from how much she was admiring and staring at the Library which was huge. Entering the building ,  It was very beautiful inside , tall with multiple towers and columns all holding books on shelves that were stacked as high as her eye can see.

There are a lot of books and scrolls ,’ i can’t wait to read them ‘ the 4 years old girl thought. She loved reading books in her past life , you can say she spent most of her time there , even her friends called her a book nerd . 

“This is amazing!” The girl squealed in her excitement. “Thank you for taking me here!” She said with a big smile on her face.

Her father smiled back at her and patted her head gently.

When she finally realised her excitement and outburst, she blushed in embarrassment.

'I should have held myself back, this is embarrassing!' she scolded herself mentally.

Then her father led her to the kid section but her eyes were on the adult one  she was disappointed, dramatic fake tears fell from her eyes .

What she wanted to read wasn't some children's ninja  stories or  fairy tales. She wanted to check out Scrolls about techniques and theories about Fuinjitsu but she couldn't tell him about that since she was just a «Normal» child and wanted to lay low.

Her only solution is to pretend to stay in the kid's place until her father is gone and then she will sneak to the adults. 

If he ever leaves her alone, that is.

She sighed mentally. 

'this is going to be bothersome...' 

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