Important Note

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Hey Guys

This is not an update but I am writing this because I need your feedback regarding the story.

Firstly thank you so much to all the reader silent or otherwise for showing so much love to this fanfiction on our beloved MaAn❤️❤️

So coming on to the point I m moving to a different city for a month for my internship nd hence would be a little busy.
Don't worry I m not going to stop writing. I will be updating twice a week as usual but the length of the update might be shorter than before.

I had already planned the story that would show growth of  gradual friendship between MaAn amidst Vanraj's downfall nd how they tackle the Shah drama together.

But since my updates are going to be shorter now.....I need to know if you would want me to continue as I had already planned or do you want me to skip to the moment MaAn become friends and show Shah drama in flashbacks through Anu's POV or maybe in the background in bits and pieces.

Please drop your feedback in the comment section. It would be really helpful.

Thank you❤️

The MaAn JourneyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin